Friday, January 30, 2015

Master Board Meeting, Saturday, January 31, 2015

Tomorrow, Saturday, January 31, 2015, the Deep Harbour Master Association Board will meet.
Your comments on the following or any other concerns are welcome.
 Voting and representation:
  • The DHMA will officially be owner controlled by virtue of the ten year limit. (December 31, 2014)
  • The DHMA has seven seats, 5 of which will have an owner representative as a voting member.
  • One vote per sub-association. 
  • 900 Marshy Cove, 700 Cattail Cove, TH 1, TH 2, are TH 3.  Representatives are appointed  by their owner-controlled sub-associations.
  • Beazer will still hold voting rights for TH4 (empty lot) and TH5 (along marina).
  • The marina organization has no vote on the DHMA as owners are represented through the other sub-associations. 
  • A Beazer representative will not be attending the meeting on Saturday.
  • Yes, we will have a quorum.
  • Four officers will be elected from a pool of 5 owner representatives.
  • (7 if Beazer chooses to run.)
  • President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary will be elected.
  • Nominations and voting is by the board members.

Deep Harbour Master Association, Inc.
General Meeting, January 31, 2015

10:00 A.M.
601 Locust Street, # 302, Cambridge, MD
Sentry Management Office

AGENDA ( subject to change)

1.            Organization and Roll Call

2.            Reading/Approval of Minutes

3.            Election of Officer’s

·         Electronic Access to Web reports, etc.

4.            Sentry Management Report

·         Action List

5.            Officer and Committee Reports

·         Transition Process
1.    Legal Support
2.    Define Process
3.    Financial Discrepancy Resolution
·         Treasurer’s Report – 2013 Audit Draft

6.            Unfinished Business

·         Reserve Study
·         Site Deficiency (Defect Study)
·         Pool Furniture                                    

7.            New Business

·         Pool Contract
·         Pool Repair – Pool Coping
·         Sidewalk Cracks Near Pool
·         Tree Removal Near Pool

8.            Resident Forum

            9.         Adjournment
January 31, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
March 21, 2015 at 9:00 A.M.
May 2, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
July 11, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
October 3, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
December 12, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.

2015 Meeting Schedule subject to change.

Send your comments to

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

LAST YEAR, Photos taken January 27, 2014

Big Lou at work

Waterman's day off

Great Marsh Photo Session

Choptank Lighthouse

View of Deep Harbour from Generation III

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

SNOW? no show!

10:30 AM, Tuesday, January 27, 2015
The picture tells all.

Send them to

Message from Steve Rideout regarding City Manager for Cambridge, MD

A letter that was received from Steve Rideout by email on January 27, 2015.
Below the letter is an explanation of the City Manager form of government and why.
"Dear Group:
"As you know, there have been ups and downs with the effort to improve the effectiveness of the government of Cambridge through establishing a city manager form of governance.
"Last evening there was another bump in the road.
"As you will recall, in December the commissioners on a 4-1 vote passed the charter changes and transition ordinance. Under Maryland law, those who disagree with that law change had until yesterday to obtain signatures of 20% of the registered voters in the city seeking a referendum. Last evening a petition was presented at the city council meeting seeking such a referendum. As a result the city manager implementation process is on hold pending a number of things.
"1. The Dorchester Board of Election must review the signatures on the petition and determine if there are the required number of registered voters who have signed it.
2. As I have not seen the form that was presented, I do not know what it says, but that has to be reviewed to determine the petition meets legal requirements.
3. If the petition meets the requirements, the Board of Elections will certify the matter back to city council for next steps. How long the review of the petitions will take is unknown.
4. If the petitions are certified and returned to city council, it will need to set a date for a vote on the referendum. The options would be within 40-60 days of the petitions being returned or the alternative would be that the vote would be held at the next general election in June 2016 (over a year from now).
"Those who presented the petition asked to have the ability to observe the certification process by the Board of Elections. It would appear that there would also be an opportunity for those who support the commissioner's decision to establish the charter changes to also observe that process.
If the petition is certified for a vote, there will be a need for people who support the effort to have a city manager to put together a campaign to make that happen. That means the ability of the small group that has pursued this effort  for the past 2 years needs significant help from you, your neighbors, and those you know in the city.
"In the final analysis, we will get the government that we deserve. If we simply let the vote happen with no effort on our part, I am concerned that Cambridge will return to a government that hides what it will do with Sailwinds, overtaxes its citizens, fails to implement a vision for the city to help it and its citizens to prosper, be a city that thrives on grants rather then effective and smart business development, and the list goes on."

Background on City Manager Initiative

Here are some reasons why we think it is a good idea:

Council-manager government combines the strong political leadership of elected officials with the strong managerial experience of an appointed manager or administrator. All power and authority to set policy rests with an elected governing body, which includes a mayor and members of the council. The governing body in turn hires a nonpartisan manager who has very broad authority to run the organization. The council-manager form has become the most popular structure of local government in the United States.

How does council-manager government work?

The elected council represents our community and develops a long-range vision for its future. They establish policies that affect the overall operation of the community and are responsive to residents’ needs and wishes. To ensure that these policies are carried out and that the entire community is equitably served, the Council appoints a highly trained professional manager on the basis of his or her education, experience, skills, and abilities (and not their political allegiances). If the manager is not responsive to the governing body, it has the authority to terminate the manager at any time.

How can council-manager government benefit our Community?

Policy-making resides with elected officials, while oversight of the day-to-day operations of the community resides with the manager. In this way, the elected officials are free to devote time to policy planning and development

The manager carries out the policies established by the elected governing body with an emphasis on effective, efficient, and equitable service delivery. He or she is a full-time professional employee whose sole responsibility is working to improve Cambridge.

Does it cost more to have the council-manager form of Government?

Most local governments have found that their overall costs are reduced under competent full-time management. Savings come from decreased operating costs, increased efficiency and productivity, and improved revenue collection. The economic health of the community benefits from improved business development and retention of existing businesses.
send your comments An questions to

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Real Estate Taxes at 900 Marshy Cove (2014)

The following table was constructed from public tax records as posted on Dorchester County's Website.  This information is available for public perusal.

Dorchester Couty Web Site (click here)

What are we paying for Real Estate Tax?
Please understand that I do not know why or how these tax rates were derived.  Multiple factors could affect your rates.  Only the Tax office can answer your questions.

So here is a floor by floor table showing the units and the tax rate for each.  Check the numbers against your tax bill.

Unit Type


Unit No.
1st   Floor
2nd   Floor
3rd   Floor
4th   Floor

Send your comments to 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Deep Harbour Master Association Meeting rescheduled, Saturday, January 31, 2015

The DHMA Board of Directors has a scheduled meeting set for Saturday, January 31, 2015 at 10:00 AM. 
Location Sentry Office, 3rd floor, High and Locust Sts.
Cambridge, MD

January 31, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
March 21, 2015 at 9:00 A.M.
May 2, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
July 11, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
October 3, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
December 12, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.

2015 Meeting Schedule subject to change.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Recent low tides on Cambridge Creek, Thursday Jan. 8, 2015

Here are some photos from Thursday, Jan, 8.
The tide dropped below MLLW by about 20 inches.
It was a triple effect: predicted low lunar tides, deep freezing in tributaries, and a NNW wind between 25-35 knots. High winds were persistent for about two days.
Many boats were hanging on their lines making it very difficult to board or slack the lines..

 Shallow water near the bridge on the west side.

 Red Buoy 6 is is north of the creek.

 Snow Beard on stern. This boat was hanging on its dock lines.

Another boat hanging on on its cleats and dock lines.

 Wind and wave splash at Great Marsh.

 Deep Harbour Marina. 

 Deep Harbour: Note that the ladder which is normally wet is about three feet above the water's surface. These ladders are placed to help accidental swimmers out of the water.  Good luck today.

This was from Dec. 12, 2012.  
Almost 7 feet higher than Jan. 8, 2015.
No need for a ladder that day.

The NOAA water level chart for Cambridge Creek.

'nuff said.

Send your comments and photos to

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors, 2015 Meeting Dates

Board of Directors Meetings
Mark your Calendars. Your attendance is encouraged.

  • Saturday, January 10, 2015 (completed.)
    • 2015 Objectives
  • Saturday, May 2, 2015 
    • Annual Meeting, Election of Officers
  • Saturday, September 12, 2015
    • Review of proposed budget and 2016 assessments
  • November 14, 2015
    • 2016 Budget approval
Meetings are scheduled for 10:00 AM at 
Sentry's Cambridge Office 3rd floor
601 Locust St.
Cambridge, MD
Nominations for officers will be accepted until May 2.

send your comments to

Monday, January 12, 2015

Is your Electric Meter correct?

Recent History
Several months ago one unit owner discovered that they were paying someone else's bill.
It appears that the meters were mislabeled. You might say the wires were crossed. This had been on-going since inception.  It was only discovered when Delmarva Power shut-off the electricity to one unit and the other unit went dark.  It took several hours for an electrician to figure out the cross over.

Are any other meters linked to the wrong units?
Are you paying for your electricity?

You can check yourself.
The last page on your paper bill should have a daily usage chart. Check the bars on the days that you were in your unit verses days that you were away.  If it coincides then you are probably OK.

If you are a techy type you can go to the Delmarva website.
  •  If you haven't been there, you will have to register to create a login.  It will take a little time but, you can access account information also.
  • Go to the Delmarva web site and look at your daily usage. It should follow your occupancy pattern.  If you are a weekender, it should be easy to see higher consumption on Saturdays and Sundays.  Full time residents can look for vacation or travel days.
  • Select "Energy Use and Bill Data"; Select "My Usage"; then select "Daily Energy Use"
You will see a chart that looks like this:

Note 12/13 and 12/14.  We were traveling those days and our bill reflects that.  It appears that the meter readings match our occupancy (Only the refrigerator was running.)

If you like, you can scroll back to the summer months to look at your air-conditioning loading.

Remember that this is not heating.  Our heat is Natural Gas.

Send your comments to

President's Summary of January 10, 2015 Board Meeting

900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors Meeting                                January 10, 2015

Highlights Covered:

Adjustment to Condo Fees
Condo residents will be receiving new coupon books stating that the HOA  part of the condo fees will return to the past existing rate of $247.00.  The total fees which include our contribution to the Master Association will be $343.00 beginning in March.

Bids to improve the appearance of the front of the building are under consideration.  We are meeting with our landscaper to plan installing a sprinkler system across the front of the building.  Flowers, shrubs, and tree trimming are also on this agenda.

Nominations and Elections
Nominations for election to a Board of Directors position would be welcomed between now and our Annual Meeting in May.

Residents Committee
A resident condo committee is being set up to improve communication between management and our residents.  New residents will be visited and given a packet of information about our building which includes general rules and regulations.  This will establish a contact person for the new residents to answer any questions they may have.  Each floor will have a representative on this committee.  I am presently seeking someone to help with this from the first and third floor.  
All information will be provided to you for this purpose.

Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be May 2.  This is our Annual Meeting with election of officers.  All residents are welcome to attend.

Thank You,

900 Marshy Cove  Condo Board President 
Shirley M.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Deep Harbour Master Association Reserve Study

Becht Engineering has finally completed its reserve study for the DHMA.  The study addresses requirements for replacement and maintenance of equipment and facilities of the common areas within Deep Harbour.

If you would like a copy of the DHMA Reserve study, send an email to .
Please include your name and unit number to authenticate you request.

The DHMA Board of Directors has a scheduled meeting set for Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM. 
Location Sentry Office, 3rd floor, High and Locust Sts.
Cambridge, MD

January 10, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
March 21, 2015 at 9:00 A.M.
May 2, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
July 11, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
October 3, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
December 12, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.

2015 Meeting Schedule subject to change.

Update: Fire at Cattail Cove, Unit 401, Saturday, January 3, 2015

This correspondence is from an owner at Cattail Cove

"An update, after I spoke with Sentry Management.

"The fire was apparently caused by a smoker who put out the cigarette (?!) then put the butt in the flower pot.  The butt was not fully extinguished, and the mulch in the pot caught fire.   Then the pot.   Then the siding.

"The fire dept. arrived quickly.   I’m not sure if someone called 911 or whether it was due to someone pulling the fire alarm.   Perhaps the fire got the sprinkler going which caused the alarm, but I could not see it from the street.   The fire was extinguished fairly quickly.   The only damage I am aware of is to that single unit, although there may be water damage in the unit below – I don’t know.   There is no significant odor of smoke in the building.   All the residents are back (not sure about the one on fire though).   We were very fortunate that the fire did not have time to get into the ceiling or attic – otherwise it would have  been much worse.

"After thoughts:
-         -  A person moving out parked a truck with trailer out front in the circle.   It impeded the fire trucks.   A zero tolerance policy should be considered around your fire hydrant areas.
-         -  I had trouble getting through to Sentry since it was a holiday weekend.  I was put through to the emergency group but they had a great deal of trouble figuring out where Deep Harbour was.   I have raised the issue with Sentry.

"We are grateful that the situation was not worse."

Many thanks to our friend at Cattail Cove for this message.
(note that I have removed names to ensure privacy.)

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Fire at Cattail Cove, Saturday, January 3, 2015

Today, Saturday, January 3, 2015, at 1:00 PM, there was a fire at Cattail Cove.
Unit 401 experienced a fire that appeared to be limited to the wall between the bedroom and balcony.
The wall was on the opposite side from the water heater closet.
The firemen focused on the exterior wall ripping off the siding and tearing out the isolation in the wall. The fire appeared to have been quenched quickly by the fire department.
A general evacuation alarm was sounded and all residents appear to have been evacuated.
It is unknown if a sprinkler tripped the alarm or if it was a pull box.
(Smoke alarms do NOT trip the evacuation alarm.)
The cause of the fire is unknown at this time.

Have photos of your own?
Send them to