Saturday, January 27, 2018

Smoke Alarm Update: January 27, 2018

A letter has been sent to all owners regarding the Maryland law,
So far only 15 owners have replied.  The board of directors will continue the campaign for 100% compliance.
On the top of this web page, there is a tab labeled "Smoke Alarm Replacement Program 2018". The tab provides access to a printable copy of the form for your convenience. You may contract any qualified electrician to do the work.

Some facts:

  • Smoke alarms save many lives every year
  • The unit owner is responsible to replace the interior smoke alarms
  • The current smoke alarms are over ten years old and out-of-compliance per Maryland Law
  • Our unit smoke alarms are hardwired and interconnected
  • Unit smoke alarms are not connected to the buildings fire alarm system and will not sound a general evacuation alarm
  • Unit smoke alarms will detect a fire well before the building's system.
  • Only high temperatures of 135 -165 deg f will trigger a sprinkler head and sound a general alarm.
  • The building's system has smoke detectors but only in common areas and will not detect smoke in a unit.
  • A qualified electrician is required to replace the smoke alarm
  • Eventually the smoke alarms will start to chirp as they become ineffective
  • New smoke alarms have sealed ten-year back-up batteries and hush buttons
Protect yourself, your tenants, and your neighbors. Attend to this matter as soon as possible.

Thank you , 
George B- President
900 Marshy Cove Condo Association

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Deep Harbour: Gates Operational

All Gates at Deep Harbour have been tested and now conform to the current safety standards.
The new motor operators are commercial grade and should prove to be more reliable.
Many have welcomed our return to a genuinely Gated Community.

Remote transmitters
Your remote transmitter, aka clicker, should work if it worked previously.
If not, move closer to the gate. The antenna range has been reduced for safety.
This requires vehicles to stop before passing through.
Another benefit is the elimination of the double opening of gates at the Trenton Street Circle.

Given the amount of time that has passed, your batteries may need to be replaced.
Batteries can be purchased at any hardware store or electronics store.

Keypad Code Entry
When entering the code, take your time. Press the keys in a deliberate way.
Common errors include not pressing the (pound) # key first.
Some times the (star)* key is pressed instead of the # key.

If an incorrect key pattern is used, wait for the unit to reset.
Entering the correct code too quickly puts the box into a funk.

Best practice
Remote transmitters are the best way to enter.
If it is raining or dark, it is nice to open the gate without rolling down your window.
Call Sentry if you would like to purchase a remote.  (410) 221-0398
email : 

More repairs
The keypads , LCD display, and keypad lights will be serviced next.

DHMA Board of Directors
George B,-President

Keep in touch. We want to hear from you. 
send your comments to

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Gates, Cambridge Creek Bridge, DHMA meetings, Trash

The gates at 700 Cattail Cove are now operational.  Work has begun on Cedar St and should be completed by Wednesday evening.  The keypads will be serviced to fix the keypad illumination and the distorted LCD display.
The use of remote controls or "clickers" is highly recommended. remote transmitters can be purchased from Sentry.

Cambridge Creek Bridge:
MDDOT has scheduled work for January - February. No firm date has been set as parts have not been received. The work will required the closing of the bridge to vehicle traffic for up to a week.
With our gates operational the flow of through traffic will be deterred.

The DHMA Board of Directors has scheduled its next meeting for Thursday, February 15, 2018.
All owners are encouraged to attend the meeting at Sentry's Office, 601 Locust St, at 4:00 PM.
The agenda will be posted on this website.

Trash: Best Practices

Trash is to be placed in the dumpster ONLY!

No trash or bulk items are to be left on the ground.
The dumpster truck will not remove items left outside the container. 

Please flatten boxes and throw your trash toward the back of the dumpster instead of dropping it just inside the door so we can use all space the dumpster affords us.

If you have bulk items such as mattresses, furniture, and other large items, please call the Sentry Management office at 410-221-0398 to arrange for pickup.

There is a recycling bin on Tidewater Dr. near the Water tower.

Contact the DHMA at


Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Trenton Street Gates Operational

As of 3:00PM today, January 16, the Trenton Street gates are fully operational.

Yes, the gate code is the same. 

Yes, your remotes will work as always. 
You may need to get closer to the gate for the remote to work.
This feature compels vehicles to come to a full stop before proceeding.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

City of Cambridge engages Beazer to complete DH River walk

The Cambridge City Manager has been communicating with Beazer regarding former commitments.  In 2003, Beazer agreed to complete a paved river walk along the creek. The river walk would permit the public to walk the perimeter of the Deep Harbour property along the bulkhead,  The river walk has been completed from the Cedar Street gate to the north side of the marina. The vacant land also known as the future site of Townhouse 4 is the section in question. The cost of the river walk project is Beazer's responsibility. 

The city has had a continuing dialogue with Beazer regarding their back taxes and fees.  When Beazer altered their development from multi-unit condo buildings to townhouses, the city cited the lost tax revenue and charged Beazer $550,000 for the changes. Beazer agreed, but, is in arrears with the city for a significant amount.

This discourse is very important to us. The Deep Harbour Master Association holds title to the bulkhead, streets, and river walk.  Beazer does not contribute nor are they obliged to contribute to the maintenance of theses common elements. This is expressed in our governing documents.

This issue is more complicated than I have expressed here.  The DHMA Board of Directors will be following events over the next several months. As things develop, notices will follow.

George B, 
President - Deep Harbour Master Association

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

IMPORTANT NOTICE Smoke Detector Replacement

To: Owners and Tenants,
Re: Smoke Detectors in Units
Effective January 1, 2018, Maryland law requires all residential smoke detectors to be replaced every ten years and with “ten-year battery” units. 
Life Cycle of Smoke Detectors
Smoke alarms do not last forever and units that are 10 years old are near the end of their service life and should be replaced. Both hard-wired and battery-operated alarms are equally affected by age. Just like any electrical appliance, the circuitry and components of smoke alarms wear out over time. When a smoke alarm reaches 10 years of use, the potential of failing to detect a fire increases substantially and replacing units after 10 years
Replacement Program
The replacement of smoke detectors in units is the responsibility of each owner. Our smoke detectors are hard-wired and should be replaced by a certified electrician.  They cannot be replaced with non-hardwired smoke alarms. 
To expedite the replacement of unit smoke detectors, the 900 Marshy Cove Condo Association has organized a program with a professional electrician.  You can take advantage of the program by submitting a form. The form will be mailed to owners.  Once completed, return the form to the 900MC Condo Association in care of Sentry Management or depositing it the suggestion box in the lobby.
Estimated cost will be $265 for 4 ten-year hard-wired smoke detectors which includes installation.
Note: The smoke alarms inside our units are not connected to the fire evacuation alarm.
Smoke Alarm Replacement Program.
Max M, Electrician, has offered the following package.
Replace 4 smoke detectors per unit with new 120 volt hard-wired
10 year battery back-up smoke detectors made by Kidde
Price includes labor and maximum of 4 smoke detectors.   $265.00
(Price dependent on a minimum of 5 participants)
Ten-Year Hard-wired Smoke Detector Alarm with "hush" button
Stay Safe,
George B, President 900MCCA, Unit 408

900 Marshy Cove regular Meeting of Directors

Regular Meeting of Directors, January 13, 2018
Time: 10:00 AM, Sentry Management,
3rd floor meeting room, 601 Locust St #302, Cambridge, MD 21613.
Phone: 410-221-0398      
1. Organization & Roll call
2. Reading/Approval of minutes of November 11, 2017 meeting.
3. Management Report
    a. Review of Action Items
4. Officers and Committee Reports
    a. Presidents report
       i. EOY and 2018 Objectives
     b. Treasurer’s Report
       i. YTD Expense to Budget Review
       ii. Proposed 2018 Budget- Approval
       iii. Reserves analysis
    c. DHMA Status
       i. Traffic
       ii.Gate operators replacement
       iii.Pool Contract
    d. Landscaping
       i. 2018 projects
       ii. Cooperation with DHMA
    e. Pet committee- renewal policy
5. Old Business
    a. Deck repairs - 105 & 403
    b. New cleaning contractor 20/20
    c. Smoke alarm battery replacement, expansion tanks
   d. Fascia repairs
    e. Security: Trespassers and loitering
6. New Business
    a. Any other new business
7. Owners Forum
8. Adjournment
           Agenda subject to change