Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Proxies still needed for May 2, 2015

We need a few more proxies. you can fax it, scan it, email it, or hand deliver it.   You can also email mc900@comcast.net.  I will hand-carry a form to your condo.  

Without the proper quorum, no elections can be held.  Without a complete Board of Directors, business cannot be conducted.  The board makes decisions about your property. 

See previous post of April 23, 2015

Sentry Management
Todd W. , Michele K.
office 410-221-0398.  
Fax 410-721-3842
601 Locust St.
Cambridge, MD, 21613

Also, you may contact me at mc900@comcast.net 

Many thanks, George B. Unit 408

Monday, April 27, 2015

This week at Deep Harbour, April 27, 2015 CORRECTION

  • Saturday, May 2, 2015; 10:00 AM; 900 Marshy Cove Board Meeting; 
    • Election of two directors.
    • Send in your proxies, please.

  • Saturday, May 2, 2015; 12:00 PM; Deep Harbour Master Association
    • Election of Officers from current sub-association representatives.
    • Review of transition strategy and plan

for more information see http://deepharbourmd.blogspot.com/  
also see articles previously posted on this site.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Friday, April 24, 2015

City Council Meeting: April 27, 2015

The April 27 City Council Agenda contains the following topics relating to Sailwinds:

6:00 pm   Open Executive Session – design of promenade at Sailwinds Park

7:00 pm   Mayor to Convene Council in Regular Session

Under Unfinished Business
Public Comments on Master Development Agreement for the Sailwinds/Cambridge Port Property

Documents can be viewed on the City’s website – link follows:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Proxies Needed for May 2, 2015 Annual Meeting

900 Marshy Cove Owners are encouraged to attend the 
900 Marshy Cove Condo Association Annual Meeting. 
Saturday, May 2, 2015, 10:00 AM, 
601 Locust St, #302, Cambridge, MD 21613

By law and our bylaws, an annual meeting is required. This meeting's primary purpose is to elect board members.  This year two seats are open.  Owners should have received a letter regarding the meeting in the past week.

If you cannot attend, please submit your proxy.  A quorum  is required for the annual meeting.  A copy of the proxy is included for your reference.  If you cannot get it into the mail, you can fax it, hand deliver it to Sentry, or give it to a board member in the building.  

Sentry Management
Todd W. , Michele K.
office 410-221-0398.  
Fax 410-721-3842
601 Locust St.
Cambridge, MD, 21613

Copies of Mailers: Notetwo candidates have volunteered their services.

Sample Proxy:

Letter Announcing Annual Meeting

Questions? Comments? send them to mc900@comcast.net 

Spring Fling: Cambridge Main Street; Saturday, April 25, 2015

The "Kick-off" event of the season:

SPRING FLING: Saturday, April 25, A fun party with Cambridge Main Street, dinner and
passed hors d’oeuvres, silent and live auctions, entertainment by Bobby and
the Believers, and some silly games too, event runs from 6-11pm at the
Cambridge Yacht Club,
1 Mill St.,
Tickets $65, call 443.477.0843.

Click here for "What's Happening"   Cambridge Main Street Weekend Newsletter

Sprinkler Pipes Repaired; Fire Alarm System Problems Resolved

The long standing problem with our fire alarm and sprinkler system appears to have been resolved. Despite several previous attempts, the root cause of the problem was not revealed until a fourth floor resident noticed a wet spot developing on the ceiling.  Sentry Management called on a service company to investigate the source in the attic space. Two pin hole leaks were discovered and were spraying water.

The pipelines above the fourth fourth are, by design, dry and pressured with air. The only time that the system is charged with water is during testing or in conjunction with a fire alarm.  After testing the pipelines are drained.  It was discovered that the pipe was not completely drained and contained several gallons of water, probably due to improper slope. Corrosion compounded by the air pressure created the spray.

Upon further inspection, another pin hole was discovered in another location.  A more detailed inspection is warranted.  Fortunately, these leaks were very low by volume.

The faulty sections of pipe have been replaced. The fire alarm low pressure alarm also has stopped.

Please note that during this period, the building was fully protected. In the event of a fire the alarm and sprinkler systems would have done their job.

Comments? send them to mc900@comcast.net 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

New web site: Deep Harbour Community Bulletin Board

The new site will present news that pertains to the entire community at Deep Harbour.
The activities of the Master Association will be featured.

Highlights from 700 Cattail, the Townhouses, and the Marina will be included.
In the short term, articles will be repeated on the Marshy Cove site until readers get in sync.

You are encouraged to subscribe. Just go to the top right of the page and enter your email address.

Click here    Deep Harbour: New Web site

or here        http://deepharbourmd.blogspot.com/

To be successful, more news contributors will be needed. Please help.

Send you concerns, comments, contributions, and questions to deepharbour@comcast.net 

Cambridge City Manager

From: Steve Rideout
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2015 9:25 AM

Subject: City Manager Matters - Counting the signatures on the Petition

Dear Group:

Last night was supposed to be the time for a report back to City Council by the appointed election board to give the results on the outcome of their review of signatures of qualified voters on the Petition for a Referendum on the City Manager. Odie Wheeler reported that they had not been able to complete their work and that they needed some additional time. The process should be completed by the next meeting of City Council on April 27th, so the matter was put over to that date for a report.

It appears from Mr. Wheeler's comments last evening that those assigned to the task have taken their obligation very seriously and are doing what everyone hoped would happen to ensure, to the extent reasonably possible, that they are complete and thorough in their work.


Monday, April 13, 2015

City Manager - City Council Meeting Tonight

From: Steve Rideout
Sent: Monday, April 13, 2015 2:21 PM
Subject: City Manager Matters - Referendum Petition Report - Tonight - City Council Meeting - 7:00 p.m.

This is a reminder that a report back to the mayor and commissioners on the petition verification process is scheduled for tonight at city council chambers on Gay Street. Start time is normally 7:00 p.m.

If there is a sufficient percentage of signatures of city registered voters on the petition, then the next step in the process would be for a referendum question to be formulated, a date to be set for the vote, a decision to be made on the location for the vote, and who will run the voting process - Dorchester Election Commission or the city.

I have no idea at this point what will take place this evening on this issue so please feel free to come and learn at the same time with everyone else.

For those who are not able to come, I will let you know tomorrow what happened.

Steve Rideout

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Cambridge council turns down housing proposal

Posted: Thursday, April 2, 2015 10:15 am | Updated: 12:02 pm, Thu Apr 2, 2015.
CAMBRIDGE — The Cambridge City Council voted 3-2 Tuesday against participating in a federal program allowing for the sale of 190 public housing units to the private District Development Group LLC of Washington, D.C. The council will meet again on the matter 6 p.m. Monday, April 6, for a public work session in council chambers.............

See entire article at The Star Democrat web page:
Star Democrat web site

linkd k to article: http://www.stardem.com/easternshore/news/dorchester_county/article_3bd7868e-7895-59cf-9631-6290efa46457.html

Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net