Sunday, April 28, 2019

New Parking Policy brings relief to Residents at Deep Harbour

To all Owners and Tenants at Deep Harbour,
Note: This policy only applies to the property within the jurisdiction of the Master Association. Sub-associations have their own parking restrictions.
As most residents know, the Deep Harbour Master governing documents restrict certain vehicles from parking on the property. This includes Recreational Vehicles, Trailers, boats and boat trailers, commercial vehicles with logos, commercial sized trucks, moving vans, pods, and trailers.

Previous to this newly adopted policy, residents had few options to safely and securely park their non-conforming vehicles.

Parking outside our fence line exposes vehicles to a higher degree of risk. The exception policy was developed to minimize risk to the resident’s vehicular property.

In the best interest of the residents at Deep Harbour, the DHMA Board has adopted a TEMPORARY PARKING PERMIT POLICY. The policy would permit otherwise non-conforming vehicles to park inside the Deep Harbour fence line on a limited basis.

The policy is documented in
Resolution 2018-2: Temporary Parking Policy; Parking Permits

Contact Sentry Management or a member of your board of directors for more information.  > Sentry contacts  
The Policy can be uploaded from > link to Parking Policy documents


Deep Harbour Master Association Board of Directors

George B – President  email:

900 Marshy Cove – Unit 408

Monday, April 22, 2019

Deep Harbour Residents Celebrate Earth Day

A letter from Carlos,

Thank you, Mike, for organizing the spring Cambridge Creek clean-up and coordinating with the good people of River Keepers. 
Thank you again, Lynn & Mike, for the delicious post clean-up cookout. 
It’s was great to see everybody that participated and that our small community works hard to make a positive impact on the environment. 

What a great day!

Deep Harbour Resident
Carpe Diem
We are how we treat each other when the day is done.
Tikkum Olam

Carlos, My personal thank you for your photos and letter to the Deep Harbour Community Bulletin Board.  

Got a message to the broadcast? 
Send it to

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Historic Pit Beef Thursday, April 18,

Please come out next Thursday, April 18th, enjoy some PIT BEEF and support your favorite history organization!
Ann W. Phillips Executive Director Dorchester County Historical Society 410.228.7953

Pit beef !!!!!
Thursday, April 18
11 am – 2 pm

Includes sandwich, chips, and drink- $8 each   

Pre-Sales by April 15th – delivery for 5 or more/location
  Corner of Maryland Avenue and Rt. 50

Benefits the Dorchester County Historical Society, Inc. 


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

ESSA email correction

This is the correct email address for ESSA. 

Sailors Needed. ESSA is recruiting crew

If you are an experienced sailor looking for a crew opportunity, ESSA may be the place. 

If you want to learn how to sail as a crew member, you are also welcome.

ESSA, the Eastern Shore Sailing Association, races every Wednesday Night.

There are two classes of sailboats, Spinnaker and Non-Spinnaker.
Approximately 15 sailboats take to the Choptank leaving the dock around 5:00 PM  for the starting line on the Choptank at 6:00 PM.  Races take approximately one hour. 

If interested in beginning or continuing your sailing adventure, email your contact information to 

More information about ESSA on 

Spinnaker Fleet heading downwind to the finish line
Also a pleasant spectator sport from Great Marsh and the Municipal Marina.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Reminder: DHMA Board Meeting

Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors, 10:00 AM, Saturday, April 20, 2019
Offices of Sentry Management Co., 3rd floor, 601 Locust St., Cambridge, MD   21613

1.       Call to Order (opening time: _________)
a.       Roll call, attendees: reps, members, and Sentry
2.       Board of Directors
a.       Proof of quorum
3.       Approval of January 12, 2019 DHMA BOD Meeting Minutes
4.       Officer’s Reports              
a.       President’s Report
                                                               i.      Objectives for 2019
                                                              ii.      Election of Secretary
b.       Treasurer’s Report
                                                               i.      YTD expenditures verses budget
                                                              ii.      Allocation of Operating and Reserve funds –CD’s
                                                            iii.      Reserve Study findings
5.       Sentry Management Report
a.       Action issues completed from January 12 to present.
b.       Action issues and work orders outstanding
                                                               i.      Bollards for gates
                                                              ii.      Seal coating and line painting
                                                            iii.      Repair of Dumpster corrals
c.        Contract renewals
                                                               i.      YMCA & Pool Tech contracts for 2019
d.       New issues
6.        Committee Reports
a.       Landscaping Committee
                                                               i.      Progress and 2019 Objectives
                                                              ii.      Meeting schedule 2019
b.       Pool Committee
c.        Parking, Safety and Security Committee
                                                               i.      Sidewalk lighting, fencing project timeline
                                                              ii.      Gate codes and access management policies
7.       Old Business
a.       Riverwalk project
b.       Sentry Contract: Status & performance; schedule meeting with management
c.        Seal (fog) coating of streets. & Line painting of streets. (management report)
d.       Repair of trash corrals (management report)
e.        Camera system for entrances and other common areas; Seek proposals.
f.        Qualified Vendors list – process for qualification
g.        Temporary Parking policy for non-conforming vehicles
8.       New Business
a.       Any other new business
9.       Residents Forum
10.    2018-2019 Meeting schedule (subject to change)
a.       Feb 9, 2019, 10:00 AM  – Saturday, Sentry Office
b.       Apr 20, 2019, 10:00 AM – Saturday, Sentry Office
c.        Jun 21, 2019, 7:00 PM – Friday, Annual Meeting, Dorchester Library
d.       Aug 17, 2019, 10:00 AM  – Saturday, Sentry Office – budget proposal meeting for 2020
e.        Oct 19, 2019, 10:00 AM  – Saturday, Sentry Office – budget approval meeting for 2020
f.        Dec 12, 2019, 3:00 PM – Thursday, Sentry Office

11.    Adjournment (closing time: ___________) 

Attention: GATE CODE CHANGE! May, 2019

To all Deep Harbour Unit Owners

In the past year, the DHMA Board has initiated a more robust security and safety program.  Completing the fence line, limiting non-resident pedestrian access, and vehicular traffic has all been a first step in the process.  More projects are in the planning stage. We will need to balance cost with effectiveness when deciding on our next steps.

Included in an upcoming mailing is a notice regarding gate code changes, remote openers, and new pedestrian gate locks.  If you are a landlord, please convey this information to your tenants. The DHMA does not communicate with tenants directly.
Please note that as the gate code is abused more commonly, we plan to change the code more frequently.  In other words, get a remote opener.  Residents should not be using the code to enter.  They are available from Sentry at our cost of $27.00.

Also, encourage visitors to use the call box. Is your listing current?

Best Regards,
Deep Harbour Master Association Board of Directors
George Breig- President 

Notice to all Deep Harbour Unit Owners:
·       Gate code change
·       Remote transmitters aka clickers
·       New keypad locks on pedestrian gates
Gate code change
From time to time, the universal gate code is changed. Over a period of months, trespassing increases as the code ages.  To deter trespassing, the code will be changed more frequently in the future. As of May 1, a new code will be in force. The old code will be disabled on June 1, 2019.
NEW CODE …# NNNN (will be mailed to owners)
Passing this code to non-residents breaches the security of our community. Do not give it to outsiders like pizza delivery drivers.
Visitors should use the call box to enter. Each resident’s name is stored in the call box with an associated speed number.  Give your visitors and delivery drivers the speed number, not the general access code.
Not in the call box?   Call Sentry at 410-221-0398 ext 57100
Remote transmitters
Each resident should have a remote transmitter also known as a clicker. A clicker makes life easy. Code changes do not affect clickers. Entry is easy and safe when raining, snowing, and in the dark. These are available at the Sentry Office for $27.00
New Key Locks on Pedestrian Gates 

Pedestrian gates are now equipped with keypad locks.  The entry code will be  N-N-N-N (mailed to all owners) which will be effective on May 15.
Comments? Questions? send them to

High Street Project Continues, April 2019

Here's the latest on the High Street Project.

Please see Odie Wheeler's email below along with the attachment for more information about the High Street repairs.

Steve Rideout

Sent: Fri, Apr 12, 2019 4:29 pm
Subject: FW: High St.

Afternoon everyone;
First and foremost I would like to thank everyone for their understanding and patience’s as we have worked towards completion of the High St. rehabilitation project.   The contractor has been very good in keeping at least one lane of traffic open during the day, and the entire street opens in the evening and weekends.  They have worked diligently to accomplish this and I think their effort has proven successful as we have not received any complaints, and to the best of my knowledge neither has City Hall and/or Council.
On Monday the bricklayers will begin to lay the street pavers, which is going shut down the west side of High St. from Popular up to and including the west side of the Church St./High St. intersection, and will remain closed 24 hrs.    In consideration of this DPW and the contractor has been working to explore what would work best in trying to keep traffic flowing most effectively while the bricks are being laid.  In consideration of this please see the map below indicating what traffic changes will take place beginning Monday morning.  The contractor has developed a signage package to assist in directing motorist around the area.  Brandon has sent this information and map to business owners earlier today, posted it on the City webpage as a traffic alert and news item which both get sent to individuals that have opted to receive those alerts, and he’s posted it on Facebook and Twitter.  At this time we are not certain how long it will take to install the pavers on this side of High St., but anticipate it to be three or more weeks.  Once they have had a couple of days so we can gauge the progress, we should be able to calculate an approx. timeline, as we all know the weather will play a big factor in this as well.
If you have any groups, organizations, etc. that you email public announcements please don’t hesitate to forward this as well.   
Thank you and hope you have a great weekend.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Cambridge Creek Clean-up, Volunteers needed

Hello Neighbors!
Reply to 

    We are arranging a Cambridge Creek Clean-Up date for 20 April 2019 starting at 1:00 PM.  We have picked that date and time because Earth Day is Monday the 22nd of April and low tide on Saturday is at 12:21 PM.

Meet in front of 900 Marshy Cove. Bring rakes, nets, and any other tools that may be helpful in collecting debris.

   The clean up would be supported as part of a ShoreRivers Project Clean Stream which takes place throughout the Choptank River watershed.  ShoreRivers will register the Deep Harbour/Gen III site as a cleanup under ShoreRivers which enables them to provide bags and gloves for the volunteers.

    ShoreRivers has linked us with Cambridge Public Works and they will come and pick up the trash bags on Monday the 22nd.

    To make this happen all I need is a head-count so I can let Matt know how many gloves to provide.  So this is an RSVP.  Please let me know if you can support the clean-up event by COB Friday the 5th.  If you have other potential participants please forward this request to them...but I will need an RSVP...

    If the weather looks good we could even do a cook-out with burgers and dogs and beer at the end of the clean-up …  Thoughts?


Mike S.

Reply to 


- Every year we organize what's called Project Clean Stream throughout the Choptank River watershed. Our coordination efforts usually include more than 15 sites from Cambridge up to Greensboro, and all in between. We have registered the Gen III site as a cleanup under ShoreRivers which would allow us to supply bags and gloves for all the volunteers. 

Matt Pluta
Choptank Riverkeeper
Director of Riverkeeper Programs
443-385-0511 x203


Tuesday, April 2, 2019

SAVE THE DATE: Bike Ride to Honor Gerry Boyle

A memorial bike ride to honor Gerry Boyle is planned for Saturday, April 6, 2019.

Meeting place for the rally: Great Marsh Park
Welcome: Coffee & Donuts , 7:30 AM
Ride begins: 8:00 AM
Destination: South Dorchester High School

Click here >>>Gerry Boyle remembered.