Thursday, April 30, 2020


Deep Harbour Master Association 
Annual Meeting of Members, 
Friday, June 5th, 7:00 PM

Location: Dorchester Library plus Video Conference.

COVID-19 restrictions may not permit a group gathering. 
If a group gathering is not permitted at that time, the meeting will be Video on-line only. 

Standby, a meeting notice with more detail will be arriving shortly.

Best of health to you.
DHMA Board of Directors
Geroge Breig, President

Just hanging out

Sunday, April 26, 2020

DHMA Meets by Video Conference, April 25, 2020

Yesterday, the DHMA Board of Directors had its first video conference meeting.  Many thanks to Steve Levin of Sentry for setting it up using "Go-to-Meeting", a web video conference app.  

All were successful logging on. Some were on video and some were on audio only. Including the six members of the board, 17 were in attendance. We managed to work through the agenda covering, finances, the pool closing, landscaping projects, the Riverwalk, security, and dumpster corral repair. 

Near the end of the meeting, the microphone was then open for members to express their concerns. Several owners suggested that we continue the practice of video conferencing even after our current crisis ends.  
A Great Idea!

Our DHMA annual meeting was scheduled for June 5, 2020. For now, the board will consider rescheduling to a later date.
In any case, we will supplement the meeting with a video conference. Stand by for updates coming to you here and in the mail.

Many thanks to all that participated. 

Comments? send them to 

Stay safe, George Breig DHMA President

Thursday, April 23, 2020

900 Marshy Cove News, April 23, 2020

> We expect the carpeting installation to be completed by Friday.  The materials have arrived at the installers warehouse. 

> The 900 Marshy Cove Annual Meeting of Members has been postponed. No date has been set. The meeting will be announced by USPS mail. You can expect a July or August date.

> We are still looking for a board member. please submit your nomination to  Nominate yourself! I am sure you cannot think of anybody more knowledgeable, creative, and noble than yourself. 

> Please be mindful of the best practices regarding the COVID-19 restrictions. We have many vulnerable people residing here at 900 MC. Please wear a face-covering mask in the common areas. Please limit visitors. Sanitize before entering common areas and after leaving common areas.  Our cleaning staff has been using more aggressive antiseptic wipers.

> The board is assessing lighting improvements for the garage. Automatic door openers for the garage to lobby doors are also under evaluation.

> Health tip: Oxygen levels in the blood are a critical measurement. A drop in blood oxygen percentage could be a sign of a respiratory infection. You can buy an oxygen sensor called an Oximeter at the pharmacy or on Amazon. They cost around $50-$60. You may have trouble finding one as there are few left on the shelf. Click here for Amazon Oximeter

Take care, 
900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors
George Breig- President
comments?  send them to

Deep Harbour News

The Deep Harbour Master Board will conduct its Regular Meeting of The Board of Directors on Saturday at 10:00 AM by Video Conference. Each owner has been mailed the information to join the conference. Check your regular mail.  If you have any specific questions, email them to 

DHMA and Sentry are working on repairs due to the recent wind storm. Most of the work affected sub-association properties.  The pedestrian gate at the Trenton Street circle was damaged. 

Now that the Riverwalk has been completed, it has been pleasant to see so many of our residents enjoying it. We are still awaiting a response from the city regarding managing access. The board will be considering signage that will notify the general public on access. 

In a previous DHMA mailer, the newly issued gate codes are posted.  Another mailer will be sent out in May as a reminder. Both the current and new code are both operational now. Only the new code will be in effect after June 5, 2020. Be sure to inform your tenants of the change. Residents are encouraged to acquire a clicker from Sentry.

> No date has been set for the Annual Meeting of Members. Given the COVID-19 restrictions, this is a wait-and-see decision.  Owners will receive notification by USPS mail.  My guess: July? August?

> The Deep Harbour Pool will not open this season. This was a difficult decision for the board. Health was the first priority. After that, the YMCA informed us that they were unable to fulfill the contract. Among other uncertainties, the board was unanimous in its decision to close for the season.

> There have been a few dog-related issues recently. please observe the DHMA pet policy.  Keep your dog on a leash at all times. Be mindful of other pets as there have been dog-to-dog confrontations.
Please pick-up after your dog. There have been some obvious violations around the property. 

 Click here for Deep Harbour Pet Policy


Friday, April 17, 2020

Deep Harbour Pool: Closed for the 2020 Season

To all Owners and Residents at Deep Harbour,                           April 16, 2020

Pool Closing for 2020 Season:
Recent developments have forced the DH Master Association to take some unique and difficult actions. In the best interest of community health, the  DH Board of Directors has unanimously decided to suspend pool operations for the 2020 season. 

A delayed opening was considered; however, the uncertainty of the situation in the upcoming months makes it difficult to schedule contract services. Training and hiring lifeguards has made business difficult for pool operating companies.  The YMCA, who have operated our pool since 2016, withdrew their bid due to the health crisis.

Another consideration is the financial impact on our association and sub-associations. Closing of the pool will create a surplus of approximately $20,000. At this time, the surplus will be held in our operating account to provide funds for foreseen and unforeseen challenges. The board will also review our operating plan to consider other curtailments.

Pool maintenance:
Coastline Pool Service has been contracted to provide weekly inspections including chemical balancing to prevent contamination.

Mode of Operation, Communication
The Master Association will continue to utilize electronic media to conduct our regular business. The board will use email and texting for most decisions and discussions. Owners will be contacted by first class mail, Sentry email blasts, and The Deep Harbour Bulletin Board: (subscribe to receive an email of all posts)

Contact the DHMA board by email:  

Contact Sentry (410) 221-0398,

We will be scheduling a video conference call meeting on Saturday, April 25, 2020.
Information regarding the call will be sent by Sentry email blast. You may contact Sentry if you need more information.
Future DHMA Meetings
a.           Saturday, April 18, 2020, 10:00 AMSentry Office TBD
b.           Saturday, April 25, 2020, 10:00 AM 
      Video Conference Call.
b.      Friday, June 5, 2020, 6:00 PM, Annual Meeting of Members, Dorchester Library TBD
c.      Saturday, August 22, 2020, 10:00 AM, Sentry Office – Budget proposal
d.      Saturday, October 17, 2020, 10:00 AM, Sentry Office – Budget approval
e.      Thursday, December 17, 2020, 4:00 PM, Sentry Office- 2020 Objectives

Please take care, stay safe,

Deep Harbour Master Association Board of Directors
George Breig- President
Cambridge, MD 21613

Monday, April 13, 2020

900 photos

Rooftop vent cover

Rooftop vent Cover

lost soffit  Unit 403

Windy Yes! Another Reason to Stay Home.

900 Marshy Cove sustained some wind damage today.

~Soffits above the 403 and 410 decks were blown off. Insulation from the attic was blowing around like a snowstorm.

~ A rooftop vent cover blew off along with some singles.

~  The westside front exterior door's hinge was spring when the wind whipped it open.
    (Do not use the east door. It has been secured. Signage in place.)

~ The Cedar Street side reported that wind was blowing rain through their sliding doors.

As of 12:30 PM, It appears that most of the storm has passed. We will see.

Peak gust at 55.5 Knots
Sustained at 35/5 Knots

Monday, April 6, 2020

Dorchester COVID-19 report

Roger L. Harrell, M.H.A.
Health Officer

Contact: Angela Grove
Direct Line: 410-901-8126

Dorchester County Health Department Announces Two New Cases of COVID-19

Cambridge, MD (April 5, 2020) – The Dorchester County Health Department today announced two more diagnosed cases of COVID-19 in Dorchester County, bringing the total to four confirmed cases in the county.

The third individual is a female in her 40s and the fourth individual is a female in her 30s. Both have no known underlying medical conditions and have been directed to self-isolate at home. There is no known connection between the individuals, and contact trace investigations are currently underway for both. The Health Department will continue to share updated information to the public.

Contact trace investigations for Dorchester County’s first two confirmed cases, announced earlier this week, have concluded.

“As in most parts of our nation, we are seeing community spread transmission of COVID-19, which means we are all at risk, no matter our recent travel history,” said Dr. Casey Scott, Deputy Health Officer. “It is imperative that we continue to limit our exposure to others outside of our households by social distancing and staying home as much as possible.”

Governor Hogan issued a STAY AT HOME order on March 30, directing Maryland residents not to leave home except for an essential job or reason, such as obtaining food or medicine. Individuals experiencing flu-like symptoms, including fever, cough, and shortness of breath, should call their health care provider for guidance. Everyone does not need to be tested for COVID-19. Testing is only indicated in certain circumstances.

Visit for information and resources about COVID-19 in Maryland and follow Dorchester County Health Department’s Emergency Preparedness Facebook page at for local updates. Dorchester County residents with general questions or concerns about COVID-19 can call the Dorchester County Health Department at 410-228-3223 Monday through Friday, 8am-4:30pm or 2-1-1 after hours. Call takers cannot share any additional details about the cases, but can help answer residents’ questions.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

Food Safety

Updates from the
U.S. Food and Drug Administration

What steps do I need to take to clean the facility/equipment to prevent the spread of COVID-19?

FDA-regulated food manufacturers are required to follow Current Good Manufacturing Practices (CGMPs) and many have food safety plans that include a hazards analysis and risk-based preventive controls.  CGMPs and food safety plans have requirements for maintaining clean and sanitized facilities and food contact surfaces.  
·        Food facilities are required to use EPA-registered “sanitizer” products in their cleaning and sanitizing practices. 
·        In addition, there is a list of EPA-registered “disinfectant” products for COVID-19 on the Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 list that have qualified under EPA’s emerging viral pathogen program for use against SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that causes COVID-19. 
·        IMPORTANT: Check the product label guidelines for if and where these disinfectant products are safe and recommended for use in food manufacturing areas or food establishments. 
·        We encourage coordination with local health officials for all businesses so that timely and accurate information can guide appropriate responses in each location where their operations reside.
·        Food facilities may want to consider a more frequent cleaning schedule.

Is the U.S. food supply safe?
Currently, there is no evidence of food or food packaging being associated with the transmission of COVID-19.  
·        Unlike foodborne gastrointestinal (GI) viruses like norovirus and hepatitis A that often make people ill through contaminated food, SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, is a virus that causes respiratory illness. Foodborne exposure to this virus is not known to be a route of transmission.
·        The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person. This includes between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet), and through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. It may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads. However, it’s always critical to follow the 4 key steps of food safety—clean, separate, cook, and chill – to prevent foodborne illness.