Friday, September 21, 2012

Trash Picker or Identity Theft? SCOOTER KID?

ATTENTION! A resident reports suspicious behavior.

Last week there was a young, white, man / kid on a scooter near the 900 Marshy Cove dumpster.
A resident was on his way out the Cedar St gate and didn't think much of it until he talked to a neighbor later. The neighbor informed me that he saw this Scooter Kid remove 2 trash bags from the dumpster & ride off.  This same kid was seen going through other Deep Harbour dumpsters as well.
If you see the SCOOTER KID again contact TPW or Comanco. 
Calling the Police may also be appropriate as the SCOOTER KID may be diving for credit card information, bank statements, credit card applications, etc.

Time to get a shredder?  Not a bad Idea.  I'm sure WalMart has a good price.   KEEP YOU EYES OPEN FOR THE SCOOTER KID!