Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Deep Harbour Master Association Elects Officers for 2020-2021

The DH Master Association Board of Directors elected a new slate of officers on Monday evening. After much discussion on succession planning, the board voted and installed its new officers.
Each will hold their respective positions until the next Annual Meeting scheduled for June 2021.

We ask each owner to take an active interest in the affairs of the DHMA and your individual condo associations.  Your support is critical to making Deep Harbour a great place to live.

2020- 2021 Elected Officers:
  • President- Michael S, Townhouse 5 
  • Vice President - Mark W, Townhouse 1
  • Treasurer - Kim S., Townhouse 3
  • Secretary - Jim C., Townhouse 2
  • Director-   Chip C. 700 Cattail Cove
  • Director & Past President George B, 900 Marshy Cove
  • Vacant - Beazer, Townhouse 4


About the DHMA

The Deep Harbour Master Association is the governing corporation for the common areas within the Deep Harbour Community.

The Association has been formed to provide for the ownership, maintenance, repair, snow moving, trash collection, landscapingreplacement and management of the Property and Recreational Facilities, including the storm-water management facilities for the use and benefit of the Units. This includes budgeting and execution of the financial plan which includes reserve funds for long-term replacement of the common elements. The DHMA is obliged to follow the Declaration and Bylaws of the Association.

The DHMA is subject to the Maryland State laws governing Home Owner Associations (HOA's).

The DHMA Board of Directors is composed of members from each of the sub-associations the compose the Deep Harbour community. Each sub-association board appoints a representative to the DHMA board. Each sub-association has one vote. 

The seven sub-associations which include 169 units are represented on the DHMA:
(94 vacant lots are owned by Beazer.)

  • 700 Cattail Cove (48 Units)
  • 900 Marshy Cove (48 Units)
  • Townhouse 1 (34 Units)
  • Townhouse 2 (16 Units)
  • Townhouse 3 (13 Units)
  • Townhouse 4 (NONE) (Beazer-vacant seat)
  • Townhouse 5 (10 Units)
The board elects its officers annually at the Annual Meeting of the "Council of Unit Owners".

The Board of Directors meets on a regular basis to discuss and decide on actions to manage, protect, maintain, and improve the common elements on the Deep Harbour property. Sentry Management is currently contracted to manage much of the day-to-day business of the association at the direction of the DHMA BOD. This includes issuing work-orders, qualification of vendors, contract management, accounting, consultation, and general operations.  

  • Landscaping, Chairperson, Michael S, TH5
    • Composed of one member for each sub-association
  • Parking, Safety, Security, and Enforcement
    • George B 900 MC, Mike S TH5, Mark W. TH1
  • Pool Committee
    • Kim S, TH5 . 
More information and regular bulletins can be obtained for the Deep Harbour web site.

Master Board email:

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Deep Harbour Pool to Open on Friday, June 26, 2020

The Deep Harbour Pool will be open on Friday, June 26, at 11:00 AM.

All that enter must adhere to COVID-19 mitigation directive.

Maryland State Directive- Swimming Pools

Rules are posted at the pool house. Coastline, the pool operator, will enforce compliance. 

We have contracted 2020 cleaning Services to clean our bath rooms and pool house twice per day as required by Maryland directives. 

The pool hours are 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM. 
There will be a mid-day closing to facilitate disinfecting.
That should occur around 3:00-3:30 PM.

The kiddie pool will not be open. 

This is a work-in-progress, expect some adjustments.

The DHMA Pool Committee,
The Deep Harbour Board of Directors & Sentry Management.


Respect your neighbors.
Follow safe practices.. Keep your distance..

Upcoming Landscaping Projects, 2020

Marshall Landscaping will be pruning and removing overgrown trees and plantings around the 900 Marshy Cove building.  Many of plantings originate with the builder who used fast growing trees and bushes that have become our problem after 13 years. 

Pruning: All trees will be pruned to 3 feet away from the building so that they do not make contact with the siding and windows. Occasionally, wind storms cause the branches to brush against the exterior.

Removal: Several small trees and bushes will be removed and replaced with plantings that will be decorative and not grow too high.

This work will be performed in the next few weeks. To complete the work, a lift may be required. There should be little disruption to your day-to-day routines.

Lawn Irrigation: Our contractor will be on site to evaluate our sprinkler system. The area in front of the building on the creek side has long been a problem area. Apparently, the original system was broken. Without regular watering the grass dies in the summer heat. 

Best regards,
900 Marshy Cove Landscaping Committee

If you don't suggest improvements, don't expect improvements.
Suggestions are welcomed. There is a suggestion box in the lobby.
Everyone is a stakeholder.

Photo taken in 2007, Note: no overgrown trees

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Best Practices. Water Heater Replacement

To all owners at 900 Marshy Cove,

The research has been done for you.
Q: What do I do if my water heater starts to leak?
Q: Who is qualified to replace it?
Q: Have they done it before?
Q: What is the replacement unit model number?
Q: What about a tank-less water heater?
Q: How much will it cost?
Q: Is there a way to detect a leak as soon as it happens?
Q: What if I am away?

Water Heater Maintenance and Replacement Guide
The water heaters in 900 Marshy Cove were installed in 2007.  Many of us can expect to experience operational problems in the next few years. Recently, several have required replacement of the ignitors, safety pressure relief valves, and mixing valves. Expansion tanks have routinely required replacement.
As of May 2020, no water tank has leaked. A.O. Smith, the manufacturer warrants the tank for 10 years, so we need to be on watch for water leaks.  The consequences can be very costly.
Included in this guide are maintenance tips, replacement information, and operational information.
Theory of Operation
Our water heaters use natural gas which is metered separately for each unit. The water heater has two functions: heating the unit and heating hot tap water. 
Heating: The tank is connected to a set of heating coils located in the laundry room.  When needed, the hot water from the tank is circulated to the coils and the fan blows the heated air through the ductwork.
Tap water: Hot tap water is also sourced from the water heater. To make it safe an “anti-scolding” value mixes the hot water with cold water to bring to it a safe temperature. The mixing valve above the tank is required by code.
Expansion Tank: The small tank above the water heater is also required by code. Since water expands when it is heated, the tank provides room for the water to expand. It contains a rubber diaphragm that is designed to accommodate the expansion. If not installed properly, the diaphragm breaks and eventually causes the tank to corrode and leak.
Controls: Near the base of the tank are the temperature controls for the tank water.
Burner and Igniter: Under the tank is a gas burner. When heat is required, the ignitor makes a spark which ignites the gas. If no flame is sensed the gas will cut off for safety.  
Operation: For more detailed information including photographs, go to https://900marshycove.blogspot.com/
Water Heater
§  Set water temperature higher in the heating months.
§  In summer months, set the water heater lower.
§  If you are away for a period of time, do not turn the water heater off.  Set it to “Vacation” (low) to save gas and prevent freezing.
§  Some units have an electrical baseboard heater, set it to a moderate temperature to prevent pipe freezing.
§  Set the mixing valve to control the spigot water temperature. The mixing valve keeps the temperature at a safe level no matter what the tank temperature is.
Expansion Tanks
§  Expansion Tanks should be replaced every 5 years.
§  These units must be properly pressurized to prevent leakage,
§  Check the installation date and pressure written on the tank.
Qualified Plumbers
§  Mid-Shore Plumbing, Kenny Prahl ---(410)228-9003
§  Blackwater, Vernon – (410)221-0180
§  Skip Windsor, Plumber--- (443)521-5217

Replacement options:  Spec sheets are available on the 900 Marshy Cove blog site.  http://900marshycove.blogspot.com/p/water-heater.html
Option One is to replace the original unit with an equivalent version. Two companies offer a 50-gallon gas water heater that is a physical match in size and piping.  
A.O. Smith Model: GDPX 50L ; $1800;   
              Installed cost, $2500 depending on other ancillary parts.
State water heaters: Model GS6 50 YRPDTL 5; $1700;
              Installed cost $2300 depending on other ancillary parts
These units are identical. One is a re-label of the same unit,
Option Two is to replace the unit with a tank-less water heater.  Tank-less water heaters require less space and are more energy efficient.  Without a tank, the risk of a water problem seems less likely.  These units cost about twice as much.  ~$6000-$7000.  Tank-less water heaters have been successfully installed at Willow Oak and at 900 Marshy Cove.

Qualified Plumbers for water heater installation

·       Mid-Shore Plumbing, Kenny Prahl ---(410) 228-9003
·       Mid shore has installed several 50-gallon tank water heaters and has worked for several owner in our building.
      Blackwater, Vernon Webb – (410)221-0180
·       Blackwater has installed a tank-less water heater in 900 Marshy Cove

Qualified Installer:  Proper installation is imperative as this may affect other units in the building
A qualified installer must have ability equivalent to a licensed tradesman in the fields of plumbing, air supply, venting and gas supply, including a thorough understanding of the requirements of the National Fuel Gas Code as it relates to the installation of gas fired water heaters. The qualified installer must also be familiar with the design features and use of flammable vapor ignition resistant water heaters and have a thorough understanding of this Installation and Operating manual.

Other Considerations:
The installation of a Carbon Monoxide Detector is recommended in the proximity of the water heater. These are readily available at hardware stores for $20-$30

A water leak detector with WIFI capability is recommended. Honeywell Wi-Fi Water Leak & Freeze Detector is available on Amazon.com for $59.00

A failed expansion tank and an AO Smith 52 gallon water heater
Best regards,
George B - President 900 Marshy Cove Condo Association

Monday, June 8, 2020

Friday, June 5, 2020

Tonight at 7:00 PM

Deep Harbour Master Association 
Annual Meeting of Members, 
Friday, June 5th, 7:00 PM

Location: Dorchester Library plus Video Conference.

The Master Association has scheduled the Annual Meeting for Friday, June 5, 2020 at 7:00 PM.
Every year, the meeting has been staged at the Dorchester Public Library.  The library meeting room has been closed for the summer; therefore, a face-to-face meeting is not possible in deference to COVID-19 restrictions. 

An on-line video conference link has been sent to all owners by first class mail.

Since multiple attendees will be engaged on the video conference, it will be difficult to manage the conversation. So, a few rules will be in place.  
  • All non-board members will be initially muted. The mike will be opened to the members if comments by members are in order.  
  • Written requests by email or US mail will be given priority. Those individuals who have submitted queries will be un-muted to ask their question, make a motion from the floor, or comment. 
  • Each speaker shall announce their name and sub-association. The video conferencing software provides a chat window which will enable viewers to ask questions during the meeting.
  • With your meeting invitation mailer, there will be a proxy form and a form for submit a question or make a comment. 

Even if you plan to attend the video conference call meeting, it is encouraged that you complete the proxy form. Please indicate if you plan to attend the Video Conference.

Best regards and stay safe,
Deep Harbour Master Association

George Breig, President 

Send your comments and questions to:  deepharbour@comcast.net