Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Pool Rules

This year you will need a photo ID to enter the pool.
OK, not a bad idea, but, why are the photography sessions scheduled on weekday afternoons?
May 31- June 2; 1:00 PM- 4:00 PM. (If I am wrong, please let me know.)

A large percentage of the residents work, so they can't make the times posted.
A very large portion of the owners are weekenders; so they are out.
Then, there is the issue of children and grandchildren.

Why bother? With the exception of a few retired residents, none of us can make the posted times.

Yes, we can send in a Passport sized photograph, but why hire a photographer if it doesn't service the majority of pool users.
I'd expect that Saturday or Sunday afternoons would make the registration more accessible.

And are we are paying for this service? Please, I need help understanding this one.

Regards, Uncle George

Have a comment? send it to mc900@comcast.net

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Where can I recycle?

An email from a resident to the City of Cambridge:

We have a second home in Cambridge at Deep Harbour -- where is there any recycling? It seems this county lacks recycling pick up or at least it's not at Deep Harbour. Someone said it used to be at Walmart - is it still there? Please do let us know. Thanks much!

A resident

Yes ,
Dorchester County does have a recycling drop off site. It used to be at WalMart but in preparation of the renovations, it was relocated to the Industrial Park which is directly behind WalMart. You can access the Industrial Park on Chesapeake Drive, which runs between Woods Road, and Rt. 16/Cambridge Beltway. If you enter off of Woods Rd. continue on Chesapeake Drive for a short distance there is a road on the right (the first road) just prior to GKD. Turn down that road and the recycling bins are at the end of this road next to the railroad tracks.

Thank you I hope I have been able to assist you.

Oden C. Wheeler Jr.
Administrative CoordinatorCity of Cambridge(410) 228-3399
Fax 410-228-4554 owheeler@ci.cambridge.md.us