Friday, September 30, 2016

Matthew, Maybe.................Maybe Not,

A Message from Sentry Management: 
Please see the below weather update regarding Hurricane Matthew.  While it is still way too early to predict exactly what track this storm will take, we feel it is the best interest of all of you to begin to put information out regarding this storm.  Those of you that are weekender’s, it is a good idea to start making your storm preparations now in the event you cannot make it back to your home prior to any storm impacts. 

We recommend you do the following:
  • Place any furniture on your balcony or patio inside or secure it to something.
  • Those of you with boats should also double up your lines to ensure they stay in place. 
  • Any loose items in your yard should also be stored.
  • Grill covers should be either secured tightly or removed entirely. 
  • Trash cans should be stored. 

As we receive additional information we will be sure to pass it along to all of you.

Major Weather Event:

The NOAA National Hurricane Center is tracking a Tropical Storm “Matthew” presently  located south of the Dominican Republic.  The NOAA models, as well as the European Model; indicate that the storm will begin to turn north on Sunday, Oct 2nd.  Then move over the Bahamas toward Florida.  At this point the storm is predicted to become a Category II hurricane ( sustained winds 96 – 110 mph and storm surge of 6’ to 8’ ).  The models indicate that the hurricane would move along the east coast passing just off Cape Hatterus, NC on or about Wednesday, Oct 5th.  There are a number of factors that would affect the path of the storm including a cold front moving in from the west.  However, if the storm continues along the forecast track, Matthew would begin to affect the Delmarva on or about Thursday, Oct 6th .  The wind field with this level of storm would bring tropical force winds into most of the Eastern Shore (60 + mph in gusts).  Heavy rainfall (3” – 5” ) can be expected and could include the western shore – D.C. &  Baltimore,  Mid- Atlantic region.  As the track becomes more defined, additional notices will be sent.  Stay tuned to your local news outlet as time progresses.

Source:  NOAA, National Hurricane Center
               Miami, Florida

Todd W
Division Vice President
Sentry Management Inc
2200 Defense Highway, Ste 405
Crofton, MD  21114
(410) 721-7171 ext. 57001
(410) 721-3842 (fax)

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

LED Street Lamps replaced, September, 2016

New Lights installed.
Eleven lights have been replaced with a different brand of LED lamps.

Multiple lights have failed throughout Deep Harbour. Given the number of failures, the manufacturer has refused to replace the lamps claiming that the problem is unique to our site.

The new bulbs have been installed around the property in strategic places.  As a preventative measure, all have been installed with a surge protectors. 

LED bulbs use a fraction of electricity compared with Incandescent, Halogen, and Compact Fluorescent bulbs.  Compared to a conventional incandescent bulb, LED's use only 15% of the electricity to produce the same amount of light.  

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Access your Sentry 900 Marshy Cove Account

If you have not already, access your account on the Sentry Homeowner's web site.

Find answers to these questions:

  • When was my last payment received?
  • What is my balance?
  • Why did I receive a late notice?
  • What was recorded in the minutes of the last meeting?
  • How do I sign up for automatic payments?

It's your money, your property; you need to know what is happening.


Access your Sentry 900 Marshy Cove Account

If you have not already, access your account on the Sentry Homeowner's web site.

Find answers to these questions:

  • When was my last payment received?
  • What is my balance?
  • Why did I receive a late notice?
  • What was recorded in the minutes of the last meeting?
  • How do I sign up for automatic payments?

It's your money, your property; you need to know what is happening.


Saturday, September 10, 2016

News Update: September 10, 2016

News Update: (Notes from Board of Directors Meeting, September 10, 2016)
Gate Codes: Effective October 3, 2016, all personal gate codes will be eliminated.
One gate code will be in effect for all owners, residents, and tenants.
Owners will be notified by mail.

Many trespassers have used our property as a short-cut or car pool parking lot.
Some former residents have also been seen using our trash dumpsters.
Remotes will operate as usual. The call-up box directory also will operate as before.
Safety first: It has been reported that some residents are using the entrance garage door as an exit. There are concerns that this practice may result in an accident as pedestrians and other drivers do not expect a vehicle to be exiting from that door.
For Safety, all drivers are expected to exit from the west side garage door and obey the traffic signs within Deep Harbour. 
Deck repairs: Five decks will be repaired as a pilot in September We are waiting on two bids. If all goes well, all deck coverings that have begun to separate will be repaired. Owners will be notified.
2017 Budget: The 2017 Budget Draft will be sent to all owners for their review. Your comments are welcome. The Board of Directors will meet to approve the budget on November 12, 2016.
Pets: All residents are obliged by our Pet Policy to register their pets and to comply with the 900 Marshy Cove pet policy.  Contact Sentry Management if you need more information.

2016 FUTURE MEETINGS- 900 Marshy Cove
November 12, 2016 at 10 A.M.  Regular Meeting of Directors: Budget Approval

Deep Harbour Master Association
October 8, 2016 at 10 A.M. - Regular Board of Directors Meeting- Budget
December 10, 2016 at 10 A.M  - Regular Board of Directors Meeting
DHMA Issues: Budget approval, Gate codes, Street lighting, Beazer Settlement, Topcoating of Streets, Landscaping.
Location: (unless otherwise posted)
Sentry Management Office, 601 Locust St., Cambridge, MD 21613
All Owners are encouraged to attend.

Contact Information: Sentry Management:
(410) 221-0398 email:
Go to our electronic bulletin boards for more information

Sunday, September 4, 2016

End of Third Quarter, 2016

Deck repairs: Five decks will be repaired as a pilot in September.  We are awaiting one more proposal. If all goes well, all deck coverings that have begun to separate will be repaired. Owners will be notified.
Vent Cleaning: Bird nests and debris were removed and the vents have been made bird proof.
Garage deck cleaning: complete.
Carpet cleaning: 1-4 floor hallways. Complete.
Landscape Committee: Has reviewed Marshall’s contract and is preparing recommendations for 2017.
Elevator Controls: Rescue- Recall function*
Bid received from Schindler for controls. Under financial review.
*Rescue-Recall Function: currently our elevators will cease to operate when there is a power failure. At 700 Cattail Cove, a resident was trapped in the elevator for 45 minutes until power was restored.  One of our residents stepped off the elevator 90 seconds before the power outage. Adding the R-R function will bring the elevator to the lobby level and open the door safely. We have had five power outages in the past 12 months. Each one lasted 30 minutes to 3 hours.
YOUR Suggestions are welcome for the 2017 Budget.  
Forms available in the lobby.

900 Marshy Cove
September 10, 2016 at 10 A.M.   Board Meeting, Budget and planning for 2017
November 12, 2016 at 10 A.M.     Budget Review and Approval

Deep Harbour Master Association
October 8, 2016 at 10 A.M.         Regular BOD Meeting - Budget Approval.
December 10, 2016 at 10 A.M.   Regular Board of Directors Meeting
DHMA Issues: Gate codes, Street lighting, Beazer Settlement, Landscaping,

Location: (unless otherwise posted)
Sentry Management Office, 601 Locust St., Cambridge, MD 21613
All Owners are encouraged to attend.

Contact Information: Sentry Management:
(410) 221-0398 email:
send comments to

Friday, September 2, 2016

Hermine approaches Delmarva; September 2, 2016

As of 8:00a.m.  Sept 2nd  Hurricane Hermine has now been downgraded to a tropical storm.  It has sustained winds of nearly 70 mph and is moving north northeast at 15 mph, centered just east of Charleston, SC.  The present storm track will place it at or near the Outer Banks, NC by Friday evening with winds 60 + mph in stronger gusts.  It will then move north just off the Delmarva peninsula by mid-day Saturday, Sept. 3rd.   NOAA models and the European model are still not in agreement as to what happens next.  It does appear that the storm will stall at this point and then may move west toward the coastline between Maryland and New Jersey.  Additionally, it may become  extra – tropical as a strong Nor’easter and remain in the same location until the middle  of next week.  This could cause extensive beach erosion  along with very heavy rain that could include the Baltimore – Washington area.  Rainfall amounts with this scenario would be between 5” – 8”  in squalls on the Delmarva and 3” – 5” over the Mid-Atlantic region, along with winds 30 – 40 mph or higher.  The elements that are affecting this is one, a strong high pressure over New England with its clockwise circulation and  two, the counterclockwise circulation of the storm with their two wind fields both moving toward the coastline.  All interests in the Mid-Atlantic region should stay tuned to your local TV station and NOAA Weather Radio for updates as this event unfolds.

The tidal levels displayed do not include the effects of the impeding storm.
2.0 feet is the MHHW (Mean High-High Water)
Source:  NOAA, National Hurricane Center,  Miami, Florida