17 units remain out-of-compliance.
Safety and Insurance coverage at risk.
To: Owners at 900 Marshy Cove, Re: Smoke Detectors in Units
Effective January 1, 2018, Maryland Law requires all residential smoke detectors to be replaced every ten years and with “ten-year battery” units. Our building type and construction date require that they are replaced with hardwired, interconnected smoke alarms, Regular battery types do not meet the Maryland State Law.
Life Cycle of Smoke Alarms
Smoke alarms do not last forever and units that are 10 years old are near the end of their service life and must be replaced. Both hard-wired and battery-operated alarms are equally affected by age. Just like any electrical appliance, the circuitry and components of smoke alarms wear out over time. When a smoke alarm reaches 10 years of use, the potential of failing to detect a fire increases substantially and replacing units after 10 years
Replacement Program
The replacement of smoke detectors in units is the responsibility of each owner. Our smoke detectors are hard-wired and should be replaced by a certified electrician. They cannot be replaced with non-hardwired smoke alarms.
To expedite the replacement of unit smoke detectors, the 900 Marshy Cove Condo Association has organized a program with a professional electrician. You can take advantage of the program by submitting the attached form and returning it to the 900MC Condo Association in care of Sentry Management or depositing it the suggestion box in the lobby. You may, of course, contract your own service provider. Let us know when the work is complete.
Estimated cost will be $265 for 4 ten-year hard-wired smoke detectors which includes installation. 31 of our owners have taken action. 17 remain out-of-compliance.
Continued non-compliance puts us all at risk as well as insurance coverage. The Board will be considering more direct action to achieve 100% compliance. Your action is voluntary. Compliance is mandated by law.
Note: The smoke alarms inside our units are not connected to the fire evacuation alarm.
Stay Safe,
George Breig, President 900MCCA, Unit 408
Smoke Alarm Replacement Program.
Max Myers, Master Electrician has offered the following package.
4226 Beulah Road, Hurlock, Md. 21643, Cell 410-924-0380
Replace 4 smoke detectors per unit with new 120 volt hard-wired, interconnected
10 year battery back-up smoke detectors made by Kidde.
Price includes labor and maximum of 4 smoke detectors. ………….$265.00
Price for units with 3 smoke detectors (103…403; 110…410). ……….$240.00
Combo Carbon Monoxide Alarms are available …………………….add $50.00 _____________________________________________________