Saturday, March 28, 2020

Cambridge Associations of Neighborhoods

Greetings from the Cambridge Association of Neighborhoods (CAN).

As many of you know several local grocery stores (eg, Walmart, Harris Teeter, and perhaps others) accept on-line (internet) grocery orders for pick-up at designated times.  

We’re wondering if there are folks in the community who need someone to pick up these on-line orders for them because they lack transportation or are otherwise unable to leave their homes.

To assess the potential interest in a pickup service like this, we are asking you to contact us if you would be interested in (a) utilizing the pickup service, or (b) volunteering to pick up grocery orders and deliver them to you neighbors.

If interested in participating. please email and specify whether you are interested in (a) utilizing the pickup service, or (b) volunteering to pick up grocery orders.

Thanks very much and BE SAFE!

Tom Puglisi, CAN Secretary

Take-out and Delivery Service

Click Here for more information


Dorchester restaurants still offering take-out, delivery; some have groceries, too

While our non-essential retail operations are shut down completely for now for safety reasons, restaurants are still allowed to offer carry-out and/or delivery. Many of our Dorchester restaurants have pivoted quickly to do this. Some have changed up their menus to offer family-size meals, pizza kits, cocktails by the quart (yes, alcohol is temporarily allowed to be a carry-out/delivery item for those over 21). Some are even offering grocery items for your convenience. We've put together a list of which local restaurants are offering carry-out/delivery, plus their contact info. This list is constantly changing, so check back frequently or check the social media of the restaurant itself. The web page also includes shops and various other businesses and whether they're open or closed. Here's the list
Dorchester Restaurants & More

Friday, March 27, 2020

Coronavirus in Maryland - click here for statistics

Confirmed cases are updated each morning from state reports. Fatality figures may be updated more frequently.

Keep your distance
Consistantantly adhere to sanitary practices.
Minimize your trips outside of your residence.

City of Cambridge Update

A forwarded message from the City of Cambridge
Sorry, It is 3 days old; however, still relevant.

Dear Readers:

Below is an email from our City Manager from last night that he indicated I could share with you. Please feel free to share with others.

Steve Rideout - City Commissioner

-----Original Message-----
From: Patrick Comiskey

Sent: Tue, Mar 24, 2020 7:12 pm
Subject: Update from the Store Front

Dear All:
This is the case information as of this morning.
U.S. confirmed cases: 44,183  ■ Maryland confirmed cases: 348  ● Eastern Shore: 13 cases  ● Dorchester County confirmed cases: 0
Also, I spoke with the assistant manager of three stores in town: Walmart, Food Lion and Walgreens.  Their trucks are still rolling in every day.   Walmart and Walgreens advised they have the same number of trucks delivering every week.  I did not ask that question of Food Lion.  All the stores are having runs on meats, eggs and milk; in addition to, the cleaning agents and toilet paper.   I noticed a number of items in stock at Walmart today that Jane said they were out of last Friday.   
The Walmart assistant manager advised he thinks the panic buying is settling down.
 City Manager

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Dorchester Health Department

Roger L. Harrell, M.H.A.
Health Officer

Contact: Angela Grove
Direct Line: 410-901-8126

Dorchester County COVID-19 Press Conference for Thursday, March 26, 2020

Cambridge, MD (March 24, 2020) – The Dorchester County Health Department and partnering agencies are holding a press conference on Thursday, March 26, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. to share important updates regarding Coronavirus Disease 2019, or COVID-19. Individuals can watch the event live by visiting In an effort to provide useful information, Dorchester County residents are encouraged to submit questions in advance by emailing

Dorchester County currently has no confirmed COVID-19 positive cases.  Dorchester County officials have been collaborating to respond to the evolving public health emergency. Visit for updated information and resources about COVID-19 in Maryland.  Dorchester County residents with general questions or concerns about COVID-19 can call the Dorchester County Health Department at 410-228-3223 Monday through Friday, 8am-4:30pm or 2-1-1 after hours, and follow Dorchester County Health Department’s Facebook page at

Monday, March 23, 2020

Special notice to all owners & residents

Follow the health guidelines and restrictions issued by Governor Hogan.

Other Information
For those over 60: If you need assistance for groceries and other supplies, contact Sentry. They will pick-up and deliver to your door. This works best if you can place an order with the store on-line in advance.
Sentry: (410) 221-0398 
Sentry After hours: (800) 932-6636

·       Sentry is trying to purchase hand sanitizer for our lobby.
·       Our April 9 board meeting has been postponed.
·       Our Annual Meeting of Members has been postponed.
·       The Master Association’s meetings have also been postponed
·       Note Sentry’s emergency call number.

Pet owners: 
All cats & dog registrations forms and fees are due on March 31.
Your 900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors
And Sentry Management.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

What's Open

Here is the link to what is open, closed or canceled nearby:

Click here to see what is Open and/or Closed

Take care and stay healthy! We hope to get back to normal soon.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

900 Marshy Cove Meetings postponed

To All Owners at 900 Marshy Cove,

Our scheduled Regular meeting of the Board of Directors on April 9th has been postponed.
Also, Our Annual Meeting of Members scheduled for May 9th has also been postponed.
Once the Maryland statewide restrictions are lifted, we will re-schedule our meetings.
The Annual Meeting is required by the state condo law and our governing documents.
So it is imperative that we conduct the meeting as soon as possible.

In the meantime, the board of directors will rely on electronic communications to resolve critical business.  We will utilize Sentry's "Email Blast" utility to broadcast any significant events. Also, this blog site is the electronic bulletin board.

President’s Report, April 9, 2020, Submitted by George Breig

Current Board of Directors:                             Term of Office: 
President: George Breig, Unit 408                          2018-2021
Vice President: Shirley Moore, Unit 207                2017-2020 * open position
Treasurer: Alan McIntee, Unit 202 2019-2022
Secretary: Clara Mae Stephens, Unit 107 2018-2021
Director:  Sylvia Harper, Unit 205 2018-2021

The board will have an open seat on May 9. Our longest-serving director, Shirley Moore, will be retiring. Shirley has served since 2008 when the board first formed. She led the association as President for 6 years and as Vice President since. We thank her for her diligent service.
*We are seeking nominations for a new director.

January 2020- March 2020 Accomplishments
Hallway carpeting completed on floors 3 & 4.  More carpeting material is needed to complete the 1st and 2nd floors.

- Vinyl flooring installed at the elevator waiting areas and inside elevators.
- Garage lighting has been improved in darker areas. More improvement is will be evaluated.
- Exterior Lighting in front entrance has been improved with LED fixtures
- Housekeeping & Maintenance Committee: Established to better manage cleaning & repair services.  Contract awarded to 2020 Cleaning Service in January.
- Fire System: A meter has been installed to record the time that the air compressor runs. This monitoring device will provide advance warning of air leaks that may cause false alarms.
- Replacement Water Heater: Replacement model number and installation sources identified. A Tankless option has been identified.

Current 2020 Projects:
- Professional carpet maintenance. Contract to be awarded for spot cleaning and annual cleaning. Residents should not attempt to clean the new carpets. Spills should be reported.
- Updating Contact information for owners and tenants to improve communications.
- Lobby: Ceiling lights will be replaced with LED fixtures.

Future 2020 projects:
- Landscaping and Gardening:  $3500 is budgeted for future plantings in 2020 and maintenance of the gardens surrounding 900 Marshy Cove.  Regular service by a gardener will be contracted.
- Painting of stairway floors and landings: Gripping surface paint will be applied
Security cameras: Upgrade of video recording device and the addition of external cameras is under study.
Other Issues:
- Fire Safety: The 2020 budget will need to accommodate possible repairs to our dry sprinkler system. The pipeline has continually produced air leaks.
- Pets and Pet Committee: All known pet owners have been notified to renew their pet registration. Pet registration and fees are due by March 31, 2020.

Internet links: These sites will provide information about our community.

DHMA Meetings Postponed, COVID-19 restrictions

To all Owners at Deep Harbour,

Needless to say, things have become complicated.
As president, I have decided to postpone our Regular BOD Meeting originally scheduled for April 18.
Also, Our Annual Meeting of Members scheduled for June 5, will be postponed.
Once Maryland has lifted restrictions, new dates can be rescheduled.
Mode of Operation, Communication
Of course, we do have some critical business to manage.
Electronic messaging by email and texting will be our media for most decisions and discussions for the board.

Contact the DHMA board by email: 
Critical Decisions to be made by April 18.
  1. Pool contract: We need to select a pool operator/management provider. 
  2. Trash corrals repair
  3. Sidewalk lighting
  4. Street sign replacements and repair.
  5. Riverwalk
Impact on Operations
  1. Pool opening: It appears that Memorial Day may not be possible.
  2. Negotiate a reduction of cost with selected pool operator
  3. Possible owners may be forced into arrears due to income reduction
  4. Tenants may fall behind in rent impacting owners.
  5. Some services that we contract may be curtailed.
  6. Any others?
Future DHMA Meetings
a.      Saturday, April 18, 2020, 10:00 AM, Sentry Office ?
b.      Friday, June 5, 2020, 6:00 PM, Annual Meeting of Members, Dorchester Library ?
c.      Saturday, August 22, 2020, 10:00 AM, Sentry Office – Budget proposal
d.      Saturday, October 17, 2020, 10:00 AM, Sentry Office – Budget approval
e.      Thursday, December 17, 2020, 4:00 PM, Sentry Office- 2020 Objectives

George Breig- Deep Harbour