Tuesday, December 30, 2014

HOLD THE DATE! MAY 4, 2015, Gone Fishing....

Last year we had a great catch and great memories. This year will be the Fourth Annual Marshy Cove Fishing trip. A chance to bring home the big one and enjoy the company of a motley ensemble.

The reserved date is Monday, May 4, 2015. Leaving from Kent Island on Excalibur, Captain Perry will lead us to the fishing hole to catch our limit.  Last year, several Rockfish measured over 36 inches.  

If interested, please send an email to mc900@comcast.net or contact George B in 408.
Details can be provided by email.

Fisherman: 6-12 people. All are welcome. Bring a friend.
Cost: about $120 per person. Bring your own lunch.
Time: leave dock at 6:00 AM return after limit is caught.(3-6 hours.)
Yes, Captain Perry cleans the fish.
All rods and lures are provided.

Deep Harbour Master Association- Updates, December 30, 2015

Becht Engineering has finally completed its reserve study for the DHMA.  The study addresses requirements for replacement and maintenance of equipment and facilities of the common areas within Deep Harbour.

This study has been long in its completion. The final copy is now in the hands of the individual condo associations for their review and comment.  

If you would like a copy of the DHMA Reserve study, send an email to MC900@comcast.net .
Please include your name and unit number to authenticate you request.

The DHMA Board of Directors has a scheduled meeting set for Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 12:30 PM. 
Location to be announced.

January 10, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
March 21, 2015 at 9:00 A.M.
May 2, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
July 11, 2015 at 12:30 P.M.
October 3, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.
December 12, 2015 at 10:00 A.M.

2015 Meeting Schedule subject to change.

Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net

Cambridge News



The document can be found on the City’s website per the following link.

Copies for viewing by the public can be found at the Dorchester County Library, City Hall and the Department of Public Works main office.

Comments in writing should be sent by email to Anne Roane  anneroane@choosecambridge.com or to the following address:  City of Cambridge Public Works Department, 1025 Washington Street, Cambridge, MD 21613.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Cambridge City Council approves City Manager

Last evening, with a vote of 4-1, the Cambridge City Council approved the legislation required to enact a City Manager Form of government.  

From the Dorchester Star
  Posted: Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:00 am

CAMBRIDGE — By a 4-1 vote Monday the Cambridge City Council agreed to move forward legislation to create a city manager position and repeal the position of town clerk, treasurer and collector.
The prospect of creating a city manager position for Cambridge has been discussed for the past few years. The opportunity to make the change is now presenting itself with Cambridge City Clerk Ed Kinnamon’s plan to retired at the end of this year.

The city council voted 4-1, with Council President Donald Sydnor casting the sole opposing vote, to scheduled a first reading of the three ordinances needed to make the change in the city’s charter and an additional Ordinance 1041 to implement a transition plan for the change to a city manager form of government.
The first reading of the ordinances is to be scheduled during the next meeting of the city council, Monday, Nov. 24.
Explaining why he voted against forwarding the legislation, Sydnor said he wants more citizen participation by people who are actually residents of the city of Cambridge.
Sydnor said that during September’s public meeting about creating a city manager, of the 22 people who spoke on the issue, only 6 were city residents and “four of those wanted something else proposed.”
Mayor Victoria Jackson-Stanley said she does not want to see legislation creating a city manager position rushed into, telling the council, “You are not going to rush me into doing this. This is one of the most important pieces of legislation we will decide upon.”
The mayor also questioned changes in her duties that would occur with the creation of a city manager. She said that as she reads it, “In this amendment, the mayor is ceremonial only... I show up. I smile.”
Jackson-Stanley questioned the city manager’s responsibility for creating a budget and annual report for the city, which she said were currently her responsibilities. “I have concerns about that,” she said.
City Attorney Robert Collison told the mayor she would not be giving up mayoral powers to the city manager.
As for the question of who presents the annual State of the City address, as explained in a written response to citizen’s questions about the ordinance, “There is nothing in the language that says that the city manager would provide the public comments. S/he is to ‘submit to the Mayor and the City Commissioners ... and make available to the public a complete report...’
“It is totally appropriate that the Mayor and Commissioners or the Mayor alone make such a public report.
“However, the commissioners wanted this to take place can be resolved by placing the language in (section 3-21) where the Mayor could make the report or elsewhere in the charter.
“The intention is for the city manager to be the person behind the scenes, providing good information to the election leadership of the city so that they can make the appropriate report to the citizens.”

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reminder, This Saturday

Holiday Party
Saturday, December 13, 2014, 4:00-6:00 PM

 Prepare to celebrate the Holidays!

Hors d'oeuvres and beverages from 4-6 PM in the lobby.
Meet your friends and make some new friends.
All residents, owners, and tenants are invited.

Questions?  send them to mc900@comcast.net

Cambridge This Weekend, December 12-14, 2014

Lots of holiday magic this weekend, with Second Saturday, the Art Walk, Christmas music, sales, Santa, and more. 
Downtown Cambridge Weekend Roundup
DECEMBER 12-14, 2014
The Weekend Roundup shows you what's going on in downtown Cambridge this weekend in a handy, one-page format that you can print out and bring with you! Feel free to share! Find out more on the Cambridge Main Street website.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2015 Condo Fees; 900 Marshy Cove & Master Association.

Payment Coupons
We at 900 Marshy Cove received payment booklets at the end of October for 2015 fees. As you know they were incorrect. Since receiving multiple calls from 900 Marshy Cove owners, Sentry is in the process of reprinting the booklets.

900 Marshy Cove Condo Association
900 Marshy Cove condo fees have remained unchanged since inception and will remain unchanged in 2015.  This is the result of good cost management by the Board of Directors working with Sentry Management.  Of course owners that keep their accounts current make finances much easier.

Deep Harbour Master Association
Until this year, Master Association fees have remained unchanged. The Master account has been underfunded for several years.  Last year, snow clearing spiked our budget. This year's seasonal predictions look equally burdensome to our financials.

The monthly fee has gone up to cover shortfalls in the Master Association budget.  The Master Board is limited to a 10% increase annually.  Any amount greater than ten-percent requires an owners vote. Since the increase of ten-percent only affects the Master fees, You should see an increase of $8.80 per month or $105.60 per year. (Wait for you booklet to see the precise amount.)

900 Marshy Cove Condo Dues =     $247.00
Deep Harbour Master Association = $ 96.80

Total = $343.80 per month

Send your comments to  mc900@comcast.net

Saturday, November 29, 2014

SAVE THE DATE: Holiday Party Saturday, December 13, 2014, 4:00-6:00 PM

SAVE THE DATE: Holiday Party
Saturday, December 13, 2014, 4:00-6:00 PM

 Prepare to celebrate the Holidays!

Hors d'oeuvres and beverages from 4-6 PM in the lobby.
Meet your friends and make some new friends.
All residents, owners, and tenants are invited.

Questions?  send them to mc900@comcast.net

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 10, 2014; 7:00 PM: Cambridge City Council Meeting



7:00 PM

The following is an agenda item under Unfinished Business:

Unfinished Business
Introduction and discussion of the following:
·        Charter Resolution No. CR-2014-01 – adding Section 3-39 entitled “City Manager”
·        Charter Resolution No.  CR-2014-02 – amending Section 3-21 entitled “Mayor: Oath of Office, Duties” to incorporate changes to the duties of the office of the Mayor consistent with the adoption and implementation of a City Manager-Commissioner Form of Governance
·        Charter Resolution No. CR-2014-03 – repealing in its entirety Section 3-22 entitled “Town Clerk, Treasurer and Collector”
·        Ordinance 1041 to implement a transition plan for the implementation of a City Manager form of government


Friday, November 7, 2014

Sailwinds Planning: November 17th at 6:00 p.m. at the County Office Building

Dear Group:
On November 17th at 6:00 p.m. at the County Office Building (Enter through the rear door), there will be a meeting of the city council about the planning for Sailwinds.
There are a number of challenges that Cambridge faces with regard to this project that are too numerous and detailed to go into here. The details of this project have not been made available in any detail to the public so far, and, hopefully, that will happen at this meeting.
It is important that the meeting room be filled with those of us who are interested in this issue as it is very important to the community.
Sailwinds is one of, if not the, most important pieces of any successful future development of Cambridge or preservation of a valuable attraction and resource of this community. Who the developer will be, how much we as taxpayers will be asked to contribute to this project through our taxes, and what vision the city leadership and developer have for Sailwinds are all unknown at this point.
We need to pay close attention to what is going on and ask hard questions of those we have elected to make decisions such as this for us, as they will be doing it without having any community input by referendum or other public vote on the matter.
See you on the 17th.

West End Citizens Association

From: Steve Rideout [mailto:swrideout@aol.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 6, 2014 8:18 AM

Subject: City Manager Matters - 1st reading of the City Manager Charter Proposals

Dear Group:

This coming Monday, November 10th at 7:00 p.m. at the COUNTY BOARD  meeting room (enter from the rear of the county building), our City Commissioners will take up the first reading of the proposed charter with some modifications that we developed based on public comment at the public hearing in early October and one written detailed list of concerns filed by a citizen.

I am attaching to this email the responses that we developed to the concerns raised in the written response. I am also attaching the final proposed version of the City Manager Charter 3-39 that shows what we changed and did not change from the one previously submitted.

The written response that had some detail appears to seek to gut the original proposal. The attached response tries to explain the reasoning behind each section and why it was written in the way that it was.

I hope that these are helpful.

Having you at this meeting will be helpful to this effort. Each time there is a meeting on the topic of the city manager it seems that something new pops up, so having supporters there is always helpful.

Thanks for your continued support.


Monday, October 27, 2014

City Manager: Letter to the Editor

Dear Interested Citizens:
We have spent much of the past two years talking about moving to a city manager form of government. On Saturday a friend sent me a link to a video done in Michigan about the benefits of a city council-city manager form of government. It says in minutes what we have been trying to say these past two years.
Please watch it. Please share it with others no matter their position on the issue. It is important that everyone understand what we are seeking for Cambridge and the benefits that will come with having a city council-city manager form of government.
The only things that I saw in the video that were different about our story in Cambridge are these:
1. They do a comparison between a "strong" mayor form of government and a city council-city manager form of government. The current form of government for Cambridge is what is called a "weak" mayor form of government. The commissioners in Cambridge are the strong part of our governmental structure. In my view this difference only shows how much better our proposal is because it brings the mayor and commissioners together to develop the vision for the city rather than possibly placing them at odds with one another.
2. The video talks about cost savings because the salary of the full time mayor in Michigan would be moved over to pay the city manager. As we do not have a full time mayor who is paid a full time salary, there would be no savings in salary as we are not proposing that the  salary of any elected official be reduced. The savings come, as explained in the video, by a better run and more efficient government that is managed by the city manager.

submitted by Steve Rideout

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Schooner Rendezvous, This weekend, October 25, 26, Dinner with the Crews

Friends of the Rendezvous,
You are invited to attend a dinner with the captains and crews of the Schooner Rendezvous Fleet.
Saturday Evening.
Jimmie and Sooks Restaurant.
527 Poplar St.
Cambridge, MD
6:00 PM for Cocktails;
6:30 PM Dinner;
$40 per individual / $75 per couple.
Tickets can be purchased at the Richardson Information Table or
on the Richardson Museum Web Site:

The fleet is arriving.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Unified Development Code- Cambridge

Here's the direct link to the UDC.
It is not easy to find on the Choose Cambridge Website.


The UDC link is on the following web page.
You will find links to other documents that may also be of interest.


Cambridge Public Hearing for comments on the Zoning Code

West End Citizens Association

Active WECA Member  

From: Kathy Foster - Cambridge City Hall [mailto:kfoster@choosecambridge.com]
Subject: Public Hearing - Monday Oct 20

Public Hearing

The Cambridge City Council will hold a public hearing on Monday, October 20th at 6:00 pm in the Dorchester County Library (303 Gay Street) for the purpose of receiving public input and comments on the Unified Development Code.  The UDC is the proposed zoning ordinance that will replace the current one that was adopted in 2003.  The proposed UDC can be viewed on the City’s website www.choosecambridge.com.

Kathryn Foster
Cambridge City Hall

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Cambridge Historic Preservation Commission: Thursday, October 30th, November 6th, 2014

The Cambridge Historic Preservation Commission has released a draft set of Historic District Design Guidelines and is seeking public input on this material until November 14th, 2014 (30 day public comment period). The document can be found on the City’s website by clicking on the following link.

A copy of the Design Guidelines is also available for review at the Dorchester County Library (303 Gay Street), City Hall (410 Academy Street) and the Department of Public Works main office (1025 Washington Street). In addition, two public meetings to obtain public feedback have been scheduled as follows:

>Thursday, October 30th   (Public Safety Building, 8 Washington Street, 2nd floor- 7:00PM)

>Thursday, November 6th (Dorchester County Public Library-7:00PM)

Please contact City of Cambridge Planning Staff at 410-228-1955, if you have any questions.

Comments? Send your emails to mc900@comcast.net

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

City Manager Matters - the day after. A letter from Steve Rideout

From: Steve Rideout [mailto:swrideout@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 07, 2014 7:46 AM

Subject: City Manager Matters - the day after

Dear Cambridge Citizens and Friends of Cambridge:

I waited to send this email to take some time to reflect on last evening's work session regarding the city manager proposal.

It was certainly a great night for Cambridge but it is not the end of this effort to achieve better, more efficient, more effective, fairer, and economically sound government for this community.

I am thankful for everyone who came last night or sent emails or spoke to the mayor or commissioners and am particularly thankful for everyone who spoke either for or against the proposal. Last night is what government is and should be about - the people letting their elected leaders know their thoughts.

What I heard from most of those who spoke were reasonable and legitimate issues of concern and some of which will make any changes to our proposal even stronger than it currently is.

What was being discussed last night was a proposal, and with all legislation there needs to be give and take on issues where there is legitimate disagreement. I took notes on those issues and believe that we can draft reasonable compromises that will not diminish or harm the underlying core values of what is before the commissioners for decision.

At one point, for those who were not there, I briefly spoke about the differences between leadership and management. What the City of Cambridge received from 4 of our commissioners last night was leadership, and we need to remember that when the next local election takes place.

Attached is a slightly modified handout I provided last evening for those who did not attend or did not get a copy last evening.

For next steps, I spoke with Mr. Pinkett, who heads the local NAACP chapter for Dorchester, and offered again to meet with him and members of his organization to discuss this initiative. About a month ago I had contacted him about meeting prior to last evening, but that could not be arranged. I hope that you will send a letter to the editor of our local papers expressing your views, whatever they may be, as this discussion needs to continue so that as many people in Cambridge understand the benefits that will come to the entire community when we have a city manager on board.

All the best.


Monday, October 6, 2014

Volunteeers Needed! October 25, 26, 2014: Schooner Rendevous

CSR Logo 1 2

Much work takes place before the first vessel arrives.  Whether you wish to join the crew for prep work or the event days - we need you!

Many hands make light work !

For more information, please call Jane Devlin
@ 410-221-1871
or email info@richardsonmuseum.org.

Schooners and other historic vessels from around the country gather in Cambridge for the ninth annual Schooner Rendezvous at Long Wharf Park (at the end of High Street on the Choptank River), Oct. 25-26. On Saturday and Sunday,try a dockside tour aboard a schooner in this gathering of stately ships from all over the country. Take a day sail, and enjoy delicious local fare. Enjoy listening to maritime musical entertainment and purchase one-of-a-kind maritime-related items. Schooners begin arriving on Friday--and there will be an evening reception and after party that night. Opening festivities begin at 10am on Saturday.

Parade of Sail set for 11am (weather permitting).

Sit down for a tasty Eastern Shore dinner with the Captain and crew on Saturday evening

James B. Richardson Foundation, Inc.
401 High Street
P O Box 1198
Cambridge, Maryland 21613

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Flood Insurance: Do we need it?

900 Marshy Cove is outside of the FEMA defined flood zone.
Our need for insurance is optional. The MC Board of Directors has a quotation in hand and is considering insurance. A decision will most likely be made at the next meeting.

For this report, I make no recommendations regarding the need for flood insurance. Just the facts will be presented. You should read this and make up your own mind regarding the risk of flood damage. 

Here is measurement data and observations to consider regarding flood risk.

The highest water level that I have seen in Cambridge Creek was just above the marina finger piers. That occurred during a Nor'easter on December 21, 2012.
See photographs.

Hurricane Sandy on October, 2012: the water was even with the tops of the finger piers or a few inches lower than 12/21/2012. 

Hurricane Isabel on September 19, 2003, was measured as the highest since the early 1970's. (I haven't been able to find data before 1970 for Cambridge.)

Some charts from NOAA.
MHHW = Mean High-Higher Water Level = "typical highest tide"
The blue lines represent normal lunar predicted tides.
The green lines represent verified measurements.
December 21, 2012 - 2.64 feet = 32 inches above MHHW 

Hurricane Sandy: October 29, 2012 - 2.49 feet = 30 inches above MHHW
Hurricane Isabel: September 19, 2003 - 4.14 feet = 49.6 inches above MHHW
Summary of facts and calculations.
These historic records came from NOAA’s site http://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/
For water to enter 900 Marshy Cove at floor level, the water would have to rise to 50 inches above MHHW.
  • MHHW is 33 inches lower than the bulk head
  • The nor'easter of December 21, 2012 shown in the photos was 32 inches above MHHW.
  • Hurricane Isabel reached 49.6 inches above MHHW or 1/2 below our doorway.
  • Accuracy of my measurements and NOAA are estimated to be within one inch.
  • Isabel is the record  High Water Level measured by the Cambridge Weather Station since its installation in 1971. 
  • It would take another worst case storm for us to experience water entry at 50 inches above MHHW.
  • A storm surge of 33 inches would spill over the bulkhead.
  • Above 33 to 40 inches, perimeter damage to gardens and surroundings would occur along with flotsam debris.
Sea Level Rising?  
Yes, It is confirmed that a long term trend has been clearly confirmed by measurement since the 1940’s. This data from Cambridge shows a steady rise of 3.48 millimeters per year with a statistically certainty of 95%. 3.48 millimeters equals 0.137 inches. A little more a than an eighth of an inch.
At this rate, which seems to be continuing, the water level will rise about one inch every 7 1/2 years.  For our purposes today, this is not significant enough to consider.
In fifty years, it may be concerning.

What do you think? Express your opinion at the next board meeting.

Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net



TO BE HELD ON OCTOBER 6, 2014 AT 6:00 P.M.
on Franklin St.


Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net

Monday, September 29, 2014

Vandalism at Deep Harbour, September 27, 2014

In compliance with the Deep Harbour parking regulation restricting commercial vehicle parking, the Dakes Painting truck was moved outside the community and parked by the county marina last night. Someone removed a fire extinguisher from our marina (north wall, 2nd box out) and decorated the sides of it then threw the empty extinguisher in the creek. one of our residents recovered it and Sentry Management is handling its recharging and replacement.  

Please keep you eyes open for any "strays" walking through the community.  If you witness any vandal behavior, Please call police and Sentry Management to report.

Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Email regarding Cambridge City Manager, September 23, 2014

From: Steve Rideout [mailto:swrideout@aol.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:13 AM

Subject: City ManagerMatters - Public Work Session - October 6, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. - Governor's Hall Sailwind's Park

Dear Interested Citizens:

The meeting date, time and place has been set for the first of several meetings in October and November regarding our effort to establish a City Manager form of government for Cambridge. This first meeting will be at Governor's Hall at Sailwinds Park - so there will be plenty of room inside and plenty of parking. The start time is 6:00 p.m. The Date is October 6th.

This first meeting will be a work session of the commissioners. At last night's city council meeting, the Mayor encouraged everyone to come and express their views on what the commissioners should do. Part of this will be to provide feedback on the draft legislation that we provided to them several weeks ago and to you recently so that issues can be ironed out regarding any concerns. 

This is a critical meeting for this effort, and having you there is very important. This is a council work session, and the mayor indicated her desire that the public come and express their views.  Attendance by the public at this meeting will tell the mayor and commissioners how important this is to our community.
There is so much to say about what has gone into this effort, but I know long emails are often not read.

The research, planning, collaborative meetings, and the writing of the proposed charter change legislation are all done. We are ready to place this in the hands of our elected officials. They need to know that there is strong support for this effort. If that meeting hall is empty on October 6th, the perception of the commissioners could be that the community does not care, and I know that we and many of our neighbors do care.

We are almost finished with a paper that breaks down what the proposed legislation will do, if passed. I will get that out to you later this week.

This is our best chance to make a statement as we take the first of what are the final steps in making Cambridge a better community for all of us to live in; a community that will thrive; and a community that will have the people in place to preserve what is great about this city and improve what is not.

Tell your friends, relatives, and neighbors. Share this email with them. Talk to them. Give them a ride to the meeting.

Thanks. See you on the 6th if not before.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ironman Race Course: Saturday, September 20, 2014

This is a big deal!
1700 Athletes will be here to attempt the course.
Only 30 will qualify for the big race in Hawaii.
2.4 miles swim; 112 miles on bicycle; 26 miles running.
Yes, they do this in one day.
The maps for the course would not copy so here are the links.
IronMan Course maps

Swim Start and Transition will be located in Great Marsh Park. Athletes will begin their day with a 2 loop 2.4 mile swim in the Choptank River.
Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/americas/ironman/maryland/athletes/course.aspx#ixzz3DiYxOnUK

The 112 mile 2 loop bike course is flat and fast; with a potential for wind. The course utilizes a majority of the IRONMAN 70.3 Eagleman course working its way through Dorchester County and into the rural Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge.
Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/americas/ironman/maryland/athletes/course.aspx#ixzz3DiZBl43N

The 26.2 mile 3 loop flat course will utilize a large portion of the IRONMAN 70.3 Eagleman run course. Athletes will run through downtown Cambridge and will finish their day at the historic Long Wharf.

Originally from: http://www.ironman.com/triathlon/events/americas/ironman/maryland/athletes/course.aspx#ixzz3DiZgWeWw

send your comments to mc900@comcast.net 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 20, 2014: A VERY BIG DAY IN CAMBRIDGE!



Summer Send-OffMain Street Mile, the wacky obstacle course originally fashioned to resemble a triathlon, returns to Summer Send-Off this year with an exciting partner: The IRONMAN Maryland Triathlon competition.

This year, Summer Send-Off welcomes new friends and added excitement to the eagerly awaited annual event. More than 1,800 triathletes and their families will be in town for the inaugural September 20 IRONMAN Maryland, one of only 12 full-distance IRONMAN triathlons in North America!
A portion of the race’s 26.2-mile run takes place in the downtown commercial district along Poplar Street, with the finish line staged at Long Wharf, just a few blocks from downtown.

“The World Triathlon Corporation, sponsors of IRONMAN Maryland, wants to focus on the host city,” said Cambridge Main Street Executive Director Brandon Hesson, pointing out that more than 80 percent of participants will be accompanied to Cambridge with two or more people.  “Cambridge Main Street is working to ensure that participants and their families experience a warm, welcoming, world-class environment. It’s an honor to welcome such a large group to one of this town’s signature events,” he added.

Summer Send-Off and its “Blues, Brews, and Barbeque” runs 5 to 10 p.m. on the 300 and 400 blocks of Race Street. The regionally acclaimed band Black Dog Alley performs blues and classic rock standards on the RAR Main Stage throughout.

Main Street Mile at Summer Send-OffDon’t miss cheering on teams representing local businesses competing for charity during the fun-filled Main Street Mile from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Race and Muir Streets. Four-member relay teams compete riding tricycles and donning scuba mask and flippers before attempting a traditional egg-on-a-spoon race.  

A Cambridge Main Street favorite, juggler and children’s entertainer, Cascading Carlos, rounds out the fun, making the young and young at heart smile from 5 p.m. until dusk.