The letter sent to owners by TPW Condo Management did not cover all of the options available for Deep Harbour gate access.
Please note that the current numerical "community codes" will no longer work.
There are three options for entry:
- As always, you may use your remote gate opener. You can buy one from TPW for $50.00
- If you like, call Dan at TPW to register your own personal code. (The last four digits of your phone number is convenient.)
- Your phone number can be associated with your name listing in the Gate Box. Visitors scroll down the name listing. When they call you your phone rings and you can "buzz" them through the gate by pressing "9". Ask Dan for specific instructions. (Be sure to test this.)
Landlords need to communicate this information to their tenants. It has been suggested that tenants should be provided a remote gate opener. Perhaps a deposit should be collected to secure its return.
OK, Here's the catch. This policy will be worthless if you share you personal code with the pizza guy or other vendors. Your personal code can be just as easily shared as the old codes. The "1776" code was seen scribed on the men's room wall at Snapper's. That could be your code next week.
Insist that you delivery people use the gate box. That way you know that they have arrived.
DO NOT give your personal code to anybody outside your circle of trust.
Please note that
TPW is contracted by the Master Association and therfore
is reponsible for the gates.
900 Marshy Cove is managed by Sentry Condo Management. They have no responsibility for the entry gates. Please do not call Todd.
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