Thursday, May 9, 2019

After twelve years, it is time to check a few things.

Unit Inspection Program
Is my water heater Ok?

Should my expansion tank be replaced?

Are there leaks around my windows?

Are there any potential fire hazards in my unit?

These are just a few questions that will be answered after a unit inspection.  The purpose of the inspection is to let owners know what to repair, replace, or maintain to avoid costly incidents in the future.

The inspection will be offered at no cost to unit owners.  Twenty minutes is all that it will take to complete critical observations. Each unit owner will receive a private report with recommendations.

We plan to deliver the program in mid-June.  Letters will be mailed to owners explaining the program. Residents need not be present, but, are encouraged to participate.

The timeline and details will be forwarded in a few weeks.

We just ran a pilot with three units and have discovered a few unexpected problems. 

900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors and Sentry Management.

Monday, May 6, 2019


We are opening the gates!

Deep Harbour Community Wide Yard Sale
Have stuff? Wanna sell it?
You know somebody out there wants to buy it.

Where: On the vacant property north of the marina and other locations throughout Deep Harbour
When: July 13. 2019, 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Who to contact: Lisa:

Open to all residents- no fee

900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors Passes Two Resolutions at Annual Meeting of Members

To all 900 Marshy Cove Residents
At the Annual Meeting on May 4, 2019, the Board of Directors passed two resolutions.
- Policy Resolution No. 2019-1, 
Procedures for the Enforcement of the Use Restrictions and Rules and Regulations
of the 900 Marshy Cove Condominium Association
- Policy Resolution No. 2019-2, 
Parking Regulation Amendment,
Use Restrictions of Common Element Parking Spaces in the 900 Marshy Cove Garage
Signed copies are on file at Sentry Management.

These documents are also available at
Several copies have been placed in the lobby.

Inquiries? Send them to