Sunday, November 29, 2015

DHMA Meeting of Directors, December 12, 2015


DHMA Meeting of Directors
December 12, 2015
10:00 AM
Sentry Office-3rd Floor
601 Locust St.
Cambridge, MD 21613

Primary Issues-
Beazer's Financial Obligations 
Deep Harbour Security
Pool Management

Friday, November 27, 2015

Update on Bicycle Thieves

See more on the Cambridge Police Facebook page,

Our detectives have charged two juveniles after an extensive investigation. The arrest of these juveniles have led to a total of twenty nine closed cases with a majority of them being theft from vehicles throughout the City of Cambridge. Five of the cases were recent burglaries and attempted burglaries of businesses within the city. There are additional arrests expected and detectives are still in the process of notifying the victims.

The arrest of these juveniles began with a phone call from a concerned citizen reporting suspicious activity in his neighborhood. This is a great example of the community and the police working together to prevent crime and make our streets safer.

Have more information on this?
Send it to

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Security at Deep Harbour and 900 Marshy Cove: Community Watch

As a result of the last 900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors Meeting, an initiative to organize a Community Watch was launched.

At this time, volunteers are needed. For the most part, it is about keeping our eyes open and reporting incidents. In the past, incidents have been unreported or overlooked.  Other incidents have been processed through the grapevine only to be amplified.

One of the first steps will be to post signage to put the public on notice that Deep Harbour is private property and surveillance is in place.  Such signage provides the local police with justification to intervene when called.

Everyone in our community can help. If you see someone who does not belong and appears to be acting suspiciously, or loitering, call the police. Write down the time of day and description of the activity.  Good information will be the foundation of a solid Community Watch program.

Please understand that pedestrians do have the right to pass through Deep Harbour. There are many locals that use the easement to pass from Trenton St to Cedar St.  We do not need to harass these citizens.

Of the very few incidents reported to date most could be classified as opportunistic thefts.  Keeping doors locked and taking simple precautions, should deter future occurrences.
At 900 Marshy Cove, a third surveillance camera was added to record activity in the garage. Now there are 8 cameras recording all entrances, the garage, and the lobby.  Cameras do not stop the bad guys but, at minimum help to establish the time and nature of an incident.

At this time, send your incident reports to 

or to Sentry Management

Or to a member of the 900 MC board of directors.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Save the date: November 14, 2015: End of Year 900 Marshy Cove Board Meeting

900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors Meeting.  November 14, 2015
Primary purpose: 2016 Budget approval
Meeting scheduled for 10:00 AM at 

Sentry's Cambridge Office 3rd floor

601 Locust St.

Cambridge, MD

Join the crowd!

send your comments to

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Reminder: NO WATER from 9:00 AM until 12:00 PM, Wednesday Morning, October 4, 2015

Plumbing repairs in progress.

No washing machines, No Dishwashers!

One resident has placed post-its with the word NO as a reminder around their unit.
Another has set their phone alarms to 9:00 AM.
Send your comments to

Monday, November 2, 2015

Important Notice to all 900 Marshy Cove Residents: November 4, 2015

DO NOT USE YOUR WATER on Wednesday morning, November 4, 2015.
This includes showers, kitchen faucets, toilets, and bathroom faucets.  A persistent leak in the building's soil pipes will be under repair,  Any water that flows down the drain may end up in the lobby.

It is suggested that you place post-it notes
 around your condo to remind yourself.

Repairs will begin at 9:00 AM and end by NOON on Wednesday.