Friday, January 30, 2009

Board Meeting, February 14, 10:00AM -12:00 PM

The next board meeting will be on February 14, 2009, at 10:00 AM until Noon.
New meeting place: 411 Muse St. in Cambridge. Chad Malkus' office.

411 Muse St. is on the corner of Muse and Academy Sts.
It is just over the Maryland Ave. Bridge.

The agenda is normally posted in the elevator.
Hopefully, it will be posted here in advance of the meeting.
Any news? Send it here.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Building Security

Last week some door-to-door sales people were working their way through the building. When approached they were asked to leave. Their intentions appeared to honest; however, it raises the issue of building access.

Our building is a private building, no one except for owners, tenants, and guests have any reason to wander in the common areas. Since the building is open to the public for real estate sales, the open door may invite some less than innocent browsing.

Some personal safety tips.

  1. If you don't know that person on the other side of the peep hole, don't feel obliged to open your door.
  2. Always use your deadbolt lock. The knob lock can be jimmied.

  3. Install a door latch to prevent someone entering if you need to open the door to receive papers or talk. The latch will also stop entry by someone with a master key while you're inside your condo.

  4. Have you cell phone nearby. Use it to confirm the identity of a vendor by calling the business that they represent. Have the phone number of a neighbor and the Cambridge Police in you cell phone. Cambridge Police: (410) 228-3333.

  5. If you see someone in the building, politely inform them that our building is private property and solicitation is not permitted.

Brass door latch.
ideas, news, issues? send them to

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pool Club House- Off Season Utilization

Master Board Meeting News.

In winter, the club house is used for storage of pool-side furniture and equipment. Given that we need common areas available for meetings, opening this area for off-season use would provide a remedy.

Shirley Moore is leading a committee to explore the options. In particular making the life guard room available. She will need volunteer committee members to research alternative storage locations, costs, and other possibilities.

Please contact Shirley Moore if you are available, or email

Bring your imagination.

Bicycle Rack - a suitable location?

Your asssitance is needed to decide on a viable location for a bicycle rack.
According to the current garage rules, it cannot be located in the garage.

Do you have a suggestion for a exterior location?
Please send your suggestion to

Shirley Moore, or contact a board member directly.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Whatz Up?

Trenton Street Gate Damage:
Please keep you eyes open. Report any suspicious activity.
The Trenton St. gate has been damaged twice by an unknown vehicle.
It is believed that an SUV has bulldozed the gate open.
The result: bending the gate and damaging the mechanism.
The first repair cost $1300.

Bulletin Board:
Be aware of the bulletin board located in the garage.
Messages on condo events and community events will be posted.

Stay tuned: Hold the dates.
Future Condo Association Board Meetings are now scheduled for
Saturday, February 14, 2009, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Saturday, March 14, 2009, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
A new location for the meeting will be announced so check back later.
There will be an attempt to schedule future meetings on the second Saturday(or Friday) of each month. Be sure to check as the dates approach.

Have a message?

building issues? Lost dog? Going sailing, need a crew?
Send an email to

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Condo Association Meeting:

Condo Association Meeting:
Saturday, January 10, 2009
12:00 Noon
At the State Farm Office,
208 Cedar Street
Cambridge, MD

Thursday, January 1, 2009

900 Marshy Cove

To: All Owners at 900 Marshy Cove
From: George Breig, resident at 900MC.

Welcome to our (unofficial) blog site.

The intent of this blog site is communication. Since many of the owners are part time residents, keeping up to date with the workings of the Condo Association and other activities has been difficult. I really don't know how well this will work, but, better to try. Perhaps, a formal and official web site might be next.

Here's the way it will work.
Messages of common interest can be sent to email address:
I will copy and paste relevant messages for all to see.

Also, you may add comments to any posted message

Pass the word. George