All, The first results are in the bank. More to come.
Situation: The space above the garage ceiling contains
various pipes for fire suppression and other services. It is heated by a gas hot air system.
A hard look at our 900 Marshy Cove expense reports showed unreasonably
high gas consumption in March, April, and May. Why? It was discovered that the heater was running continually at full
blast producing bills of $800-$900 per month.
The original controls installed by Beazer’s contractor were simplistic
and eventually malfunctioned.
Pliescott HVAC installed the new heater controls for the garage ceiling
on February 2 at a cost of $721.00.
February 2017, 235 units, 8.1 per day, $363.62, average
temp= 42, (29 days)
January 2017, 737 units, 22.7 per day, $1096.43, average temp= 41, (33
February 2016, 626 units, 22,3 per day, ---------, average temp= 37, (28
Savings from January(33 days) to February(29 days)=
or 22.7- 8.1 units per day = 14.6 units per day or
about $20.60 per day
How it works:
A wireless temperature sensor is located in the space above the garage ceiling
A second wireless temperature sensor is located in the garage below the ceiling
The temperature in the garage must be below 45 degf to enable the heater.
If the temperature in the garage goes below 45, the heater works to keep the ceiling space at 65 degf.
Other costs savings: Elevator Sequence of Operation
Last year, we changed the elevator sequence of operation.
Now the elevators do not return to the lobby after every trip.
Elevator cabs now remain at the last floor until called
This eliminated some wait time and empty trips from the
It was a simple control setting change by
Empty trips from the lobby to the upper floors cost energy.
We haven’t been able to determine the energy savings yet, but, it is
There should also be some maintenance savings over the long
We are also changing all light bulbs in the building to LED's. All of the hallway wall lamps were previously replaced with LED's saving us approximately $5000 per year.
Regards, 900 Marshy Cove's Board of Directors