Saturday, February 20, 2016

Amendments Proposed to Manage Condo Rentals

The time has come .
In the next few weeks, owners (members) at 900 Marshy Cove will be receive proxies and ballots to approve two amendments to our by-laws. The amendments will be presented at the
"Annual Meeting of Members" 
May 14, 2016, at 10:00 AM. 

Included in this post is the cover letter explaining the proposed amendments.

February 28, 2016
To:       900 Marshy Cove Unit Owners

Re:      900 Marshy Cove Condominium Association, Inc.
            By-law Amendments limiting the number of Rental Units.

Dear Unit Owner,

The 900 Marshy Cove Condominium Association’s Board of Directors Condominium is recommending the approval of the attached amendments to our governing by-laws. The first amendment (a) limits the number of rental units to twenty (20) of the 48 units. The second amendment (b) would limit an owner to no more than two (2) units. These amendments will require 67% or 33 affirmative votes each to win approval.
Why Rental Limitations?
·        The percentage of rental units affects financing options. Federally underwritten financing such as VA, FNMA, FDMA, and FHA require more restrictive terms on multi-unit condominium buildings where rental units exceed 50%.
·        Current Occupancy Status
o   Full time owner occupied:           13 units
o   Part time owner occupied:           20 units
o   Tenant occupied:                          15 units        
·        An increasing number of units are now occupied by tenants as opposed to owners.  As this transition occurs, it is in the best interest of resident owners, part-time resident owners, and landlord owners that we maintain a balance between these three categories.  Resale values of our units are affected by the residency of non-owners because of limited financing options and the perceptions held by prospective buyers.
·        Please note that similar restrictions have been successfully and widely instituted into the by-laws of other condominium associations in the State of Maryland.
To that effect, the attached amendment is submitted to association members for their consideration.  

If adopted, how will this work?
·         The Board of Directors will follow written procedures to review and approve rental permits.
·         Sentry Management will manage all documents and communication with owners regarding rental policy. Very little change is required when compared to the current practices for leases.
Policies and Procedures
·         All current rentals will continue until termination or renewal. Upon renewal or a new tenant agreement, rental status will not be affected provided all required forms and documents are filed with Sentry Management and approved by the Board of Directors.
·         Each landlord will be required to submit a rental permit application as current leases expire and new lease arrangements are signed.  A 90 day grace period will be granted to find new tenants if necessary.
·         New landlords must submit a rental permit request with signed lease agreements to secure rental status. A 90 day grace period will be granted to find new tenants if necessary.
·         Once the 20 unit limit is reached, a waiting list will determine which units will be acquire rental status.
What do you need to do?
·         Please read the attached amendment.
·         Check the appropriate boxes on the proxy/ballot then sign and date the document. Your name must be registered as the owner of the unit.
·         Mail the proxy/ballot in the enclosed addressed and stamped envelope before April 15, 2016.
·         Optional: Attend the Annual Meeting of Members on May 14, 2016.
·         Check the Marshy Cove Electronic Bulletin Board at  for updates.
·         Contact Sentry Management for more details or contact a Board of Directors member with your questions.
Sentry Management Inc
601 Locust St Ste 302
Cambridge MD  21613

(410) 221-0398; (410) 221-9977 (fax)


Questions? Comments? 
Send them to

Sunday, February 14, 2016

900 Marshy Cove Saves Energy and MONEY with LED Lighting Replacement

Here are the metrics on electricity savings since LED lighting was installed in the common areas of 900 Marshy Cove in the Spring of 2015.

This is quite a chunk of change. These data were sourced directly from the Delmarva Power web site.  The data speaks for itself.

WOW! $4691.67 saved over 11 months.
(Please note that other equipment is also serviced on this circuit therefore the seasonal variation.)

Many Thanks to Sentry Management for discovering and moving on this opportunity for our building. 

Send your comment and ideas to

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Sailwinds Development RFP: Meeting Thursday, Feb 11, at 6:30 at City Council Chambers, 305 Gay St.


Frank Cooke welcomes all interested to attend, 
you do not need to reside in the 3rd ward!  
See below for details.

From: Frank Cooke
Sent: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 12:03 PM

Subject: Ward Meeting regarding development at Sailwinds

  Fellow citizens,

     A couple of weeks ago, Council decided to have a public work session to discuss the possible release of a Request For Proposal (RFP) for development of the Sailwinds property.  The mayor at that time did not favor public input at the work session and she asked the commissioners to poll their wards regarding the proposed release of an RFP.  I subsequently arranged to have a meeting with my constituents and I have that set up for this Thursday, Feb. 11, at City Council Chambers at 6:30 P.M.  A couple of days ago, the mayor changed her mind about taking public comments on Feb. 17, so there may be some opportunity to do so then as well.
     The advantage of attending this Thursday is that you will likely have a smaller crowd and more opportunity to get information and to share your thoughts.  I am hoping that you would be willing to complete a short survey during our get-together.  I would use that information to express the sentiment of my ward at the meeting on the 17th.  If you cannot attend this Thursday and would like to complete the survey, let me know and I will send it to you via email.
     Please feel free to forward this email to your neighbors!  If you want to copy me, I will add their email addresses to my list so that, in the future, I can contact them directly to let them know what is going on, both on Sailwinds and other matters of interest.
     Again the meeting is this Thursday, Feb 11, at 6:30 at City Council Chambers, 305 Gay St.  I have asked Commissioner Hanson to join us as he sits on the Sailwinds Committee and is quite knowledgeable about the history of this project.  Please feel free to contact me via email or by phone.  My cell is 443-205-3263.


Frank Cooke,
3rd Ward Commissioner

Monday, February 8, 2016

Snow Alert Brings Temporary Parking Rule Suspension

Snow Alert
With the upcoming snow forecast, we encourage residents to park their vehicles inside the garage. This will permit the snow plows to clear the exterior parking lot and minimize the risk to vehicles.
This temporary suspension of our regular parking rules goes into effect ___Monday, 10:00 PM, February 8___
And ends on______Wednesday, February 10_____
We ask all to be mindful of other full time residents reserved spaces.
Snow Alert spaces that may be available:
1, 6, 10, 14, 16, 19,
 20, 29, 30, 35, 36, 37, 38,
41, 43, 47, 48, 49, 50,
Thank you,
900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors
And Sentry Management
