Monday, September 29, 2014

Vandalism at Deep Harbour, September 27, 2014

In compliance with the Deep Harbour parking regulation restricting commercial vehicle parking, the Dakes Painting truck was moved outside the community and parked by the county marina last night. Someone removed a fire extinguisher from our marina (north wall, 2nd box out) and decorated the sides of it then threw the empty extinguisher in the creek. one of our residents recovered it and Sentry Management is handling its recharging and replacement.  

Please keep you eyes open for any "strays" walking through the community.  If you witness any vandal behavior, Please call police and Sentry Management to report.

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Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Email regarding Cambridge City Manager, September 23, 2014

From: Steve Rideout []
Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2014 9:13 AM

Subject: City ManagerMatters - Public Work Session - October 6, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. - Governor's Hall Sailwind's Park

Dear Interested Citizens:

The meeting date, time and place has been set for the first of several meetings in October and November regarding our effort to establish a City Manager form of government for Cambridge. This first meeting will be at Governor's Hall at Sailwinds Park - so there will be plenty of room inside and plenty of parking. The start time is 6:00 p.m. The Date is October 6th.

This first meeting will be a work session of the commissioners. At last night's city council meeting, the Mayor encouraged everyone to come and express their views on what the commissioners should do. Part of this will be to provide feedback on the draft legislation that we provided to them several weeks ago and to you recently so that issues can be ironed out regarding any concerns. 

This is a critical meeting for this effort, and having you there is very important. This is a council work session, and the mayor indicated her desire that the public come and express their views.  Attendance by the public at this meeting will tell the mayor and commissioners how important this is to our community.
There is so much to say about what has gone into this effort, but I know long emails are often not read.

The research, planning, collaborative meetings, and the writing of the proposed charter change legislation are all done. We are ready to place this in the hands of our elected officials. They need to know that there is strong support for this effort. If that meeting hall is empty on October 6th, the perception of the commissioners could be that the community does not care, and I know that we and many of our neighbors do care.

We are almost finished with a paper that breaks down what the proposed legislation will do, if passed. I will get that out to you later this week.

This is our best chance to make a statement as we take the first of what are the final steps in making Cambridge a better community for all of us to live in; a community that will thrive; and a community that will have the people in place to preserve what is great about this city and improve what is not.

Tell your friends, relatives, and neighbors. Share this email with them. Talk to them. Give them a ride to the meeting.

Thanks. See you on the 6th if not before.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Ironman Race Course: Saturday, September 20, 2014

This is a big deal!
1700 Athletes will be here to attempt the course.
Only 30 will qualify for the big race in Hawaii.
2.4 miles swim; 112 miles on bicycle; 26 miles running.
Yes, they do this in one day.
The maps for the course would not copy so here are the links.
IronMan Course maps

Swim Start and Transition will be located in Great Marsh Park. Athletes will begin their day with a 2 loop 2.4 mile swim in the Choptank River.
Originally from:

The 112 mile 2 loop bike course is flat and fast; with a potential for wind. The course utilizes a majority of the IRONMAN 70.3 Eagleman course working its way through Dorchester County and into the rural Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge.
Originally from:

The 26.2 mile 3 loop flat course will utilize a large portion of the IRONMAN 70.3 Eagleman run course. Athletes will run through downtown Cambridge and will finish their day at the historic Long Wharf.

Originally from:

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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 20, 2014: A VERY BIG DAY IN CAMBRIDGE!



Summer Send-OffMain Street Mile, the wacky obstacle course originally fashioned to resemble a triathlon, returns to Summer Send-Off this year with an exciting partner: The IRONMAN Maryland Triathlon competition.

This year, Summer Send-Off welcomes new friends and added excitement to the eagerly awaited annual event. More than 1,800 triathletes and their families will be in town for the inaugural September 20 IRONMAN Maryland, one of only 12 full-distance IRONMAN triathlons in North America!
A portion of the race’s 26.2-mile run takes place in the downtown commercial district along Poplar Street, with the finish line staged at Long Wharf, just a few blocks from downtown.

“The World Triathlon Corporation, sponsors of IRONMAN Maryland, wants to focus on the host city,” said Cambridge Main Street Executive Director Brandon Hesson, pointing out that more than 80 percent of participants will be accompanied to Cambridge with two or more people.  “Cambridge Main Street is working to ensure that participants and their families experience a warm, welcoming, world-class environment. It’s an honor to welcome such a large group to one of this town’s signature events,” he added.

Summer Send-Off and its “Blues, Brews, and Barbeque” runs 5 to 10 p.m. on the 300 and 400 blocks of Race Street. The regionally acclaimed band Black Dog Alley performs blues and classic rock standards on the RAR Main Stage throughout.

Main Street Mile at Summer Send-OffDon’t miss cheering on teams representing local businesses competing for charity during the fun-filled Main Street Mile from 6:30 to 7:30 pm at Race and Muir Streets. Four-member relay teams compete riding tricycles and donning scuba mask and flippers before attempting a traditional egg-on-a-spoon race.  

A Cambridge Main Street favorite, juggler and children’s entertainer, Cascading Carlos, rounds out the fun, making the young and young at heart smile from 5 p.m. until dusk.

IRONMAN!!! Comes to town.



IRONMAN MarylandThe Mid-Atlantic’s first full-length IRONMAN triathlon rolls into Cambridge on Sept. 20, and downtown merchants are getting ready to welcome thousands of athletes and their friends and families. Here are a few ways how:

• Elliot’s Baking Company plans to offer new menu items beginning Thursday before the race, including multigrain muffins, baked potatoes, and pasta dishes.

• A Few of My Favorite Things is creating a special IRONMAN cheese board and grilled cheese menu and sangria slushies in addition to their signature selection of wine, cheese and chocolate.

• Sur Jeudi will have a special window display and will host fun activities for the kids Sept. 19 and 20 in celebration of International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

• Liv Again will host a fitness-themed, live music performance by local artist Antone “The General” Ennels from his new CD, “Blood, Sweat and IRON," featuring the song "Never Give Up." Appropriately enough, his organization is called Iron Army.
Find out more about the IRONMAN Maryland triathlon and how you can take part in the fun by clicking here.

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Sunday, September 7, 2014

Cambridge takes first steps to develop Maryland Avenue Gateway:

Originally Posted: Sep 05, 2014 6:55 PM EDT
By Tyler Butler WBOC News 

CAMBRIDGE, Md.- Three parcels of land along Route 50 in Cambridge are set to be acquired by the city after years of work.

The three properties are near Maryland Avenue, and consist of two buildings and a parking lot, one of the buildings being the abandoned Burger King.  Commissioner Gage Thomas says the next step is to figure out what to put in that 200 yard long strip to bring tourists off the highway and into the town.  He says the highway as it stands now could be "Anywhere, USA"
"Our hope is to attract people's attention to this corner.  We're gonna have a lot of improvements.  We're gonna remove all of these buildings.  It will be a gateway right into the city of Cambridge downtown and the new Sailwinds project currently proposed for development" said Thomas.
Ideas include fountains, statues, art exhibits, and newer buildings.
Thomas says the city has been working on grants to acquire the properties for two years.  A separate project to beautify the Maryland Avenue gateway is set to start construction in two weeks.

Cambridge acquires Route 50 properties 

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Saturday, September 6, 2014

900 Marshy Cove Board Meeting; Saturday, September 13, 2014

900 Marshy Cove
 Condominium Association, Inc. 

General Meeting

September 13, 2014

10:00 A.M.
601 Locust Street, Cambridge, MD
3rd Floor Meeting Room


1.            Organization and Roll Call

2.            Reading/Approval of Minutes

3.            Management Report

4.            Officer and Committee Reports

·         Treasurer’s Report
·         DHMA Status (George)

5.            Old Business

·         Funds Owed to Master Association
·         Any Other Old Business
6.            New Business

·         Landscaping/Trees
·         Flood Insurance
·         Lobby Carpets/Lobby Floors
·         LED Lighting Upgrade
·         2015 Budget Discussion

7.         Resident Forum

8.         Adjournment 


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Schooner Rendezvous October 24, 25, 26, 2014

This a chance to see and board classic schooners.
The schooners will be docked at Longwharf, a modest walk from Deep Harbour.
Visit the following web sites to learn more about the event 
and the Richardson Museum in Cambridge 

Lady Maryland

Mystic Whaler

Pride of Baltimore II