There appeared to be no part of the property that was not littered with DOG POOP. Despite having dog stands readily available in place at the Master Association's expense, several dog walkers appear to continue to disrespect our property. It is their property also, their back yard, their front yard.
Don't tell me it's hard. We have eighty-year-old residents that take care of business.
Don't tell me it's a natural process. Step in it. Naturally, you won't.
It is not only gross; but, it is unhealthy for humans and dogs,
Our Deep Harbour pet policy mandates the removal of dog waste and is supported by law.
Cambridge City ordinances specifically mandate picking-up after your pet.
State Law reference— Penalties for ordinance violations, Ann. Code of Md. art. 23A, § 3.
Sec. 3-2.2. - Animal excrement removal.
(a) Any person who owns possesses or controls an animal shall immediately remove any excrement deposited by the animal upon any street, gutter, sidewalk, public parking lot, public park, or any other public area.
(b) A person is in compliance with this section if the person removes the excrement and carries it away for proper disposal, or if he places the excrement in a bag, wrapper or other container, and deposits it in a litter receptacle. ....
(Ord. No. 827, 6-3-96)
Sec. 3-3. - Penalty for violation of chapter.
Except where it is otherwise provided, any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of an infraction, the fine for which shall be $100.00, and every day that a violation continues after due notice has been served in conformity with the terms and provisions of Ann. Code of Md. Art. 23A, § 3(b), shall be deemed a separate offence.
(Code 1972, § 3.13; Ord. No. 600, § 1; Ord. No. 730, § 1, 8-15-88; Ord. No. 905, 8-5-02)
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It's good practice, It's for our health, It's the law. |
Section 7.
When walking a dog, the pet's owner will promptly remove all of pet's excrement or solid waste deposited on any portion of the property. Such waste shall be bagged, tied, and placed in a trash receptacle or other pet waste disposal located within the common areas. Pets shall not relieve themselves in any garden or landscaped areas. Pet Owners shall endeavor to walk pets away from entrances and general use areas of the residents.
Comments? Send your emails to
Comments? Send your emails to
Regards, George Breig
DHMA President
900 Marshy Cove Condo Association President.
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