Thursday, June 12, 2014

FEMA Open House: New Flood Zone Maps

Deep Harbour Owners:
FEMA Flood Plains and Flood Insurance:
FEMA hosted an Open House at the Dorchester Library, Tuesday, June 10, 2014, From 4:00–7:00 PM.
The public was invited to discuss general issues and the specific circumstances of their property.
Multiple experts were available to provide answers to any questions related to the technical, risk, and insurance aspects of flood insurance.
FEMA Maps for 900 Marshy Cove and Deep Harbour:
Attached is a copy of a FEMA map printed for 900 Marshy Cove. (available also on website.)

The upper image shows the previous flood plain limits.
The lower image shows the newly created mapping.
You will note that the flood plain is now defined by the bulkhead perimeter.
Flood plain limits are defined by elevations above sea level and vary by locale.
The elevation of the flood plain and the top of the bulkhead is not shown; but, it is within inches.
The previous map had 900 Marshy Cove partially within the flood zone.
  1. 900 Marshy Cove is not in a flood plain and therefore is at lower risk to flood damage.
  2. All buildings on the Deep Harbour site are outside the flood zone as defined by FEMA.
  3. The marina is entirely within the flood plain. (I did not inquire about the marina.)
  4. 900 Marshy Cove is not required to purchase flood insurance
  5. 900 Marshy Cove can purchase flood insurance at a low risk rate if desired.
  6. FEMA regulates the rates for flood insurance through listed insurance providers.
  7. Flood due to high water levels whether rain, high tide, or storm surge is covered by Flood insurance.
  8. Damage due high water erosion or undermining is not covered unless the flood intrudes the structure.
Other facts:
  1. If your property is in a FEMA Flood Plain and financed by a federally backed mortgage, flood insurance is mandated.
  2. Most mortgage companies will require flood insurance if the property is in a FEMA Flood Plain.
  3. If any part of the structure on the property is in the flood plain, the entire structure is in the flood plain.
  4. Flood Insurance can be purchased for any property and/or structure regardless of its location relative to the FEMA flood Plain.
  5. “Shopping around” for a better rate is fruitless as the rates and standards of coverage is only available through FEMA and their listed insurance providers.
  6. Flood Insurance only covers flood damage. Wind damage and rain related damage are not covered even if flood damage accompanies the event.
More Resources: FEMA Region III web sites
  2.   After locating Deep Harbour, Click on the DATA ICON at the top of the page to see flood lines.
Bottom Line:

  • 900 Marshy Cove is at low risk according to FEMA as a result of tidal flooding.
  • Our condo Association can purchase FEMA flood insurance as an option. 
  • Flood insurance will not protect us financially from other hurricane or storm related damage, e.g. wind, hail, snow, ice, etc.
Should the 900 Marshy Cove Board of Directors purchase flood insurance coverage?
What is your opinion?  Send your comments to