Saturday, October 8, 2011

Parking Policy - Letters to the Editor

A reader writes:

Why has the condo association suddenly become the parking police? This is crazy. We've never had anyone park in our space and we've never parked in anyone elses. There's is no reason to blow this so far out of porportion. The person who had a car in their space should have left a note for the owner of the car asking them to move it and not park there again. The condo association should not have even become involved. And, now you want to make people have passes to park outside? Are you going to have designated visitor parking? Talk about a tempest in a teapot. Someone really needs to let this go.
Dear reader,
Here's the background. (My story telling may not be 100% correct,; but, illustrates the nature of past problems.)

At the last Condo Board meeting, Several incidents were discussed.
In one case a person came home, found someone in their space, and left a polite note.
The person did not move their car and left a nasty note for the rightful owner. Ouch!

In another case, someone parked a car in 900 Marshy.
The car sat for weeks in someone else's space.
The car was towed and the car owner was never located.
Perhaps the car was abandoned?

These spaces are private property and designated in our leases.
I trust that the enforcement of this policy will be with reasonable limits.
We, (via the board,) can always adjust the policy.

You're right, in that very few conflicts have occurred in our building.
In the other condo there seems to be more trouble.
I believe that Comanco is trying to be ready for the eventual.

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