More comments: (No names for privacy purposes.) my response below.
"I liked the system when each residence had it's own private entry code and have never understood why the system was switched to a single common code. If everyone has their own code and doesn't share it, that seems like the most secure system. Key cards are easily lost or stolen. I also agree that key cards don't address the garage entry issue, which seems to be the only security problem that we have actually experienced.Also, if the real issue is copies being made of the keys for the side door. Our condo in Alexandria uses locks that have two sided keys that can't be copied easily. The keys themselves have the warning printed on them that it's illegal to copy them (so you can't just run out to the hardware store for another copy) and they are expensive (replacement keys cost $100). The condo association essentially polices the keys. Each condo unit is given two keys. If you need more you have to show that there are more than two adults living in the residence (some sort of proof of residence like a bill being sent to that address). They still have the garage entry problem (and they have security cameras, a gate and code entry to the garage similar to the system here) but, once you're in the garage you can't get it in the building."~~~~~~~
- I don't recall ever having a personal code number for the lobby door.
- to secure the building we would need six points of entry locked, five of which would be required to unlock automatically with a fire alarm or permit exit without a key.
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