Monday, November 15, 2010

My response to the 'letter to the editor.'

Dear Reader,

I don't publish everything that people send me for various reasons. (I'll post this comment for you.)

I never meant to imply that the card or fob access system is a done deal. I was only listing current issues.
Thus the title "current issues on the table".
At the last meeting on November 13, the board discussed it one more time.

As I understand it, the plan is to send a mailer and to invite opinions. Actually, I not sure if a vote or referendum from the residents is required. The board may be able to decide itself. My understanding is that the board must announce that it intends to vote on an issue but need not take a referendum on all motions. I'll have to pull out the bylaws to be sure of the protocol.
In any case, the next board meeting is the place to express our opinion on the issue.
I have confidence that the board will defer to the prevailing opinion.
January 8, 10:30 AM is the next planned meeting.

Regarding the security system, personally, I think that it would be money well spent.
I will try to publish some technical information on it so we can better understand how it works.

Regarding the gates, yes, Beazer has control. I don't know what to say about it.
Your comments about the gated community are well taken.

Anybody else want to express an opinion?

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