Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Come out of the dark!

To all residents,
Don't be a winter mushroom.
There is a way to stay informed on Condo Activities.

We welcome you to visit our 900 Marshy Cove Blog.

Comments? Question? Contributions? Please send them to

"Grass Roots" at its best!

Opinions expressed are unoffiical and not neccessarily those of the Condo Association

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bulletin Board? Who? What? Where? WHY?

The bulletin board: no love lost.
Where: Most of us walk by the bulletin board in the garage and pay it glancing notice. Over the past few days, it has been a source of controversy and mystery.

What: During the past year, one of the residents volunteered to keep it up to date with formal condo association notices and community notices of interest. Faithfully, they kept it up to date. Given how hard it is to find volunteers, we need to respect their efforts. That is why I am at a loss to understand why the condo board or one of its members has acted to "take-over" this job.

When: Suddenly one day during the past week, the bulletin board case was opened and all contents removed. The Condo Board minutes were posted in its place. (I don't know what else is posted.) The volunteer who had been servicing the bulletin board was never informed that they were "relieved". It is much like going to work and finding your replacement sitting at your desk. "Oh, didn't they tell you that you were fired? SURPRISE!"

Why: What confuses me most is how and why this was done. No explanation was given. Was it a result of a board decision? or Someone acting alone? In either case, the act was at minimum rude. We are all residents which in our world makes us all equal.
How about a little courtesy?

My fear is that this will become our standard operating behavior.
If anyone reading this can explain this action, please send me an email to

Given the open nature of the Internet, it is my policy not to publish names; so, your comments will be published anonymously unless you indicate otherwise.

Merry Christmas, Your blogger friend and just another resident.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

A Christmas message from Beazer

Happy Holidays from Beazer Homes at

Deep Harbour

Please help if you can and donate a new, unwrapped child’s toy, which goes to

benefit the TOYS FOR TOTS organization.

Beazer Homes at Deep Harbour

will be collecting toys at our sales center.

December 19th and 20th from 12:00 to 3:00pm

Join us for some holiday cheer and refreshments when you stop by to donate a toy.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Happy Holidays

Photos from the party last Friday.
Many thanks to the organizers.

Happy Hanukkah!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Party Tonight in the Lobby

Don't miss the conversation.
Get acquainted with the issues facing the Condo and the community.
Maybe just make some new friends.

The blog site in looking for contributors.
If you want to post a story of interest, let me know.
I will be looking for you tonight.

Send your emails to

web site link: http://

Basic Guidelines:
  • We do not publish names of individuals unless they agree to it.
  • Only articles of interest to the residents of 900 Marshy Cove will be considered.
  • We attempt to tell both sides of the story if appropriate.
  • If you don't like what you read, please send your comments.
  • If you really don't like what you see here, start your own blog. It's free!