Blog readers,
Here’s a summary of the Deep Harbour Master Association(DHMA) Board
meeting held on January 11, 2014. These are my highlight notes, not official minutes.The notes may not include all issues discussed and are only
presented to keep blog readers informed.
The meeting was staged
at the Women’s Club on High Street in Cambridge.
50 plus people attended.
Wow! The head count will be in the minutes.
The Master Board
majority will remain with Beazer until the end of 2014 when their status will
convert from Class B to Class A.
This reduces their votes
from 3 per unit to one per unit. Current counts: 169 completed; 97 planned.
2014 Budget
The big news was the
absence of the Beazer representative.
She resides near
Baltimore and was fogged-in. She felt that it was too dangerous to drive.
Unfortunately her
electronically transmitted proxy did not arrive in time.
Given the lack of a
quorum, the budget could not be passed.
A meeting date of
February 22 was agreed upon to “get-er-done.”
The plan is to follow
the 2013 budget for 2014 which means there will be no increase to the master
Dan stated that the dues
will continue at $88. In theory, the dues should be elevated to an estimated $96.
Previous meeting Minutes
-Power washing of
benches, walkways.
-Personal codes for gate
is now the established policy... seems to be working
-Entrance Gate.... gates
continue to be a nuisance. In short, frequent use wears on them. We will
eventually need to upgrade the motor-actuators in the future.
for Cedar St and Cattail Cove entrances are under consideration. The question
of tree mulching and other issues that bring in to question the professional
qualifications of our landscaping services.
-A new recycling
dumpster was considered.. no action on this to date.
-Vegetable gardens have
been removed behind Town House 5.
Management report
-Master was
approximately $2000 under budget. The surplus will be placed in the contingency
fund for 2014.
-Pool...A water supply
pipe froze and burst in the Clubhouse. Water flow exceeded the floor drain
capacity. Water was seen flowing out the windows! At a depth of 12-18 inches
drywall will need to be partially replaced. This should never have happened as
the interior room temperature was set at 65 degrees. (The heat in the Pool
House was not affected by the Recent Delmarva Power snafu.)
The water pipes run
above the ceiling. Some pipes are above the ceiling insulation and therefore in
unheated space. Contractors have been enlisted to make repairs.
-Gate repairs on Cedar
St Exit completed. (Exit gate was not opening.)
Notifications: Dan will be mailing an electronic consent forms for the
owners to complete. Email attachments of Master Board notices will be sent to
replace regular paper mail. This is a voluntary program primarily to
speed communication and reduce costs.
Old Business
Reserve Study
The final reserve study
has not yet been completed and submitted to us by Becht Engineering.
Dan will be expediting this.
We understood that Becht only needed to update their draft.
Their engineer said on
December 9 that it would only take a few weeks.
This is needed to
develop future budgets and to determine the obligations of Beazer.
Budget for 2014
See above
Responsibility of Snow
Plowing and Landscaping.
-No map is available yet
that defines that perimeter of responsibility of the Master Board verses the
Sub-Associations. This issue is still unresolved. At this time the subs will
not be billed for snow removal.
New Business
-Grading of open
lots...some of the open lots are irregular, bumps, pot holes. fixing? need
-Empty lots cannot be
graded for temporary parking, etc.
-Marshall has been
accepted for landscaping and snow plowing.
-Meeting schedule:
Quarterly on Second Saturday of April, July, October,
-The board will
tentatively meet every other month to work on ongoing issues relating to the
reserve and transition studies. These will be open meetings.
(I’ll published these
dates after I receive the minutes.)
Open Forum
-Owners suggested that
we engage horticultural services perhaps from the State to assist in tree
selection and sustainable landscaping.
-Hurricane shelter for
boats.. From the discussion, the board agreed to draft a policy to allow owners
to temporally trailer their boats within Deep Harbour during severe storms.
Issues to be considered are boater owner liability insurance, size of vessel,
means of storage, duration, number of vessels on site, etc..(subject to owners
-Pool Hours for 2014....
From the discussion, it was agreed that the pool should be open from 11 AM
until 7 PM s all summer. Late openings in August will be eliminated. The
pool will be open every day from May 24 until September 7.
-Parking Violations... A
vehicles continually park in the no parking zone on Seaway Drive. They have
“legal” spaces available but frequently ignore the signage. The Town House sub
may be responsible to correct the problem. No direct action has been planned.
-Commercial Vehicles...
It was noted that a WBOC vehicle parks on the site. This appears to be a violation. Dan H will
investigate and talk to the owner. The vehicle is a passenger car. Is this a commercial
-Pipes on open lots....
Beazer will be asked if the soil pipes that extend 12-18 inches above grade can
be cut to ground level to accommodate landscaping, i.e., grass cutting.
Meeting adjourned.
Next meeting: Saturday, February
22, 2014. Time and location to be
Respectfully Submitted,
George B
900 Marshy Cove DHMA representative.
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