Highlights of Issues discussed:
- NO nominations have been received for the board seat opening.
- Please submit all nominations by April 27, 2013.
- Stonework repair continues.
- Stones that fall off are replaced periodically.
- Security Cameras;
- The system has been checked and is working properly.
- Cameras cover all entrances and certain strategic areas,
- Fire system has been inspected with no deficiencies.
- Fire evacuation assessment
- 5 units have been identified for special assistance
- If you know anybody that may need help during a emergency evacuation please inform Sentry/Comanco
- Roof inspection
- The building roof has been inspected for wind damage
- Some minor shingle damage has been repaired.
- no leaks or water damage has been detected.
- Pet Policy
- In light of various incidents involving pets, the current policy will be modified
- Sorry, but pets do contribute to the wear and tear of the building.
- A weight limit for dogs and an increased fee are on the table.
- Landscaping
- The landscaping contractor has mulched the beds around the building.
- Excessive mulch has been piled on the trees. Over mulching is know to smother tree roots and affect the long term health of the trees.
- Management will address this issue
- Building Exterior
- A contractor will be employed to refresh the caulking on the building.
- Bids will be collected to power-wash the exterior siding and trim.
- Window screens will need to be removed
- Balcony furniture will need to be removed
- Air Conditioning Maintenance
- Common area AC units will be checked
- If you want your AC unit checked, you will need to contact the contractor privately.
- Information will be available as the date approaches
- Water Heater:
- If you have not replaced you hot water expansion tank, you are risking potential water damage. You are liable for all damage to your neighbor's unit if a leak occurs.
- see previous post on this subject.
- Condo Owners Manual
- A booklet that covers various mechanical and maintenance issues will be created.
- Hopefully, it will be available for distribution in late summer.
- Meeting atendance:
- Board of Directors
- me
- no one else (40 units without representaiton)
Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net
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