- Christmas Party, December 15, 4-6 PM. A notice will be placed under each door in the building.
- Various Inspections and repairs have been made to the systems in the building. This includes elevators, lighting, etc.
- Some shingles blew off during Sandy. Only minor leaks occurred. The building suffered no other damage.
- Any building problems should be reported to Sentry Management (410) 221-0398. Their website is http://marylandsentrymgt.com
- Condo fees: One owner has not paid for many months. This owner represents a majority of the unpaid balance. Action is proceeding.
- Budget was approved as reported
- The total amount has not changed. There will be no change in condo fees.
- The board approved acquiring flood insurance. Since the building is not in the floodplain, it was not required; however, considering the potential of future storms, it was deemed prudent. The cost calculated to $8.00 per month per condo. At risk was much of the building's mechanical systems which are mostly located on the ground floor. Every unit's air conditioner is also on the ground floor.
- A reminder; Expansion tanks should be replaced. If this has not been done in your unit, please contact Sentry. See the blog article from July 2012 on this subject. If a leak occurs, you will be responsible for the damages in the units below yours. These tanks should be replaced every four years.
- Smoke detector batteries are overdue for replacement. A notice will be forthcoming. A service will be offered to replace the batteries at minimal expense. See blog of November 2011 on Fire Safety.
- A fire drill has been planned for the future. The fire department will participate in the exercise.
- Given the lobby loitering incident, the board will reconsider the installation of a more robust security system to include electronic card key or fob access with magnetic locks.
- There was some discussion regarding the need for a club house with a congregation room. It was suggested that Beazer be approached to set aside a location for that purpose.
Send your comments to mc900@comcast.net.